I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If these menaces to society enable polio to make a comeback, they’ll be trampling each other rushing their children to get vaccinated. There was a time in this country when fear of polio was 2nd only to the fear of nuclear annihilation. These people really, really, really do not want a taste of what’s to come if they keep this shit up.
A large percentage of that percentage probably doesn’t have a clue what polio is. It’d be way too late for their children if it ever did come back.
And ‘herd immunity’ is no longer in place, thanks to antivax popularity:
One thing that really irks me about our modern era is that a lie gets out there, and after it’s stated, the damage is done. No amount of debunking, correcting (if that’s even done), or even legal punishment erases the lie.
Yeah, it’s hard to get the gerbil back out of Richard Gere’s asshole.
Oh, a helluva lot more than 46% of Americans are idiots. But even I, the 10-time defending World Cynicism Champion, will not feel TOO bad about this poll, given this text in the linked article:
“The poll, released by Gallup early Tuesday morning, surveyed 1,025 adults by telephone in all 50 states…”
So let that serve as our reminder that it’s not necessarily true (at least in this case) that “46% of Americans are Idiots.” What IS true is that, “46% of Americans With Landlines Who Answer Calls From Unknown Numbers AND Agree To Participate In Polls” are idiots.
That’s a good point. That group is going to skew older and, i suspect, less educated. And it’s long been known that older people are less able to distinguish fact from fiction: https://www.businessinsider.com/why-its-so-easy-to-scam-old-people-2012-8
Even so, the percentage of idiocy is still pretty high.
Well, this was a strangely prescient little post, wasn’t it?