Oh, how the mighty are fallen…the mother of parliaments is looking like it might be making a bid for the mother of all fuckups.
Somehow “the opposition” have not only failed to capitalize on the gaping open goal the Conservatives have been happy to do nothing to defend while they’ve been all “play up, play up & play the game” & the leader of the only party to come out & say they’re pro-no-brexit lost her goddamned seat in the house of commons…
so naturally Labour are claiming their problem somehow wasn’t a manifesto locked into the sort of economic policies that made the 70s synonymous with general strikes or a refusal to position themselves as being against the idea of an unopposed brexit & still think they can hold the line with Jeremy “deer in headlights” Corbyn at the helm for a little while longer provided they have a sincere period of reflection during which to eat themselves as the left is so often wont to do with such wanton abandon right when they might have been useful…
because where’s the political percentage in learning from your mistakes when you can keep making bigger ones.
& who needs to seriously examine how lacking the “mandate” of the Conservative win actually is when you drill down into the underlying math & the mechanics of the first-past-the-post system that has once more been handily gamed by a party that could teach the GOP a thing or two about how to bake your advantages in at levels so fundamental they don’t even get discussed…much less widely noticed or understood.
Plus, even if anyone in fact gave a damn…with Uncle Milton currently MIA nobody has time for the likes of me to try to explain how the numbers really work for this particular crap shoot.
That shit is boring & complicated & nobody has time for that when they could be insta-stalking some celebrity crush or whatever it is the cool kids & other non-voting demographics of the potential electoral pool do these days…
no wonder the mendacious parasites were so happy with their “people have had enough of experts” line…
or should that be:
I know there’s a fair chance nobody much cares about how much this shit winds up this particular online nobody but in the name of all that is holy I quite honestly don’t even know where to start…
…but if you were to read the UK press & happened to skip the one lady from The Guardian’s stuff you might be forgiven for thinking that all that crap in the Mueller Report about how unutterably off-the-charts absolutely-not-ok-not-even-a-little-bit the shit that went down with the likes of Cambridge Analytica actually was & just exactly how entirely the places the principle of “follow the money” takes that narrative have no business not freaking out anyone with a passing familiarity with the history of the 20th century in even the broad strokes.
Which is more than a little ironic…
so normally I’d be a fan of that – what with considering a visceral fondness for the stuff to be essentially part of what having a good-sized helping of british blood is all about vis a vis birth-rights & the like – but this is why I think irony has a bid for being the nearest real-world equivalent I know of to “the force” from Star Wars…it permeates all things & may one day prove to be the missing quantum influence that not only binds the universe together but finally grants us a single unifying theory of physics…
but like the force, irony has a dark side…& in case I haven’t been clear about this…it’s a dark day for democracy, people…
& taking a serious swing at explaining why (even somewhere as out off the beaten path as this place) might conceivably see me hunted down & served with court papers by some deeply-pocketed malefactors of considerable renown…
so this tosser frankly shouldn’t have ever got nearer to politics than spouting shit down the pub while wearing a flat cap & smoking cigarettes – the guy is a provincial bar fly & dime-store snake-oil salesman masquerading as a “man of the people” while riding a “public service” gravy train who has been (& will continue throughout his eventual retirement to be) drawing a considerable salary for a position in the very institution he owes his career to defaming WHILE NOT DOING THE DAMN JOB…
sometimes because he’s too busy meeting his good mate donnie the dotard…mostly to talk more about how great their mutual pal aaron thinks everything is going & wouldn’t it be nice to help out that nice mr. banks who seems so adept at bankrolling the corporate buyout of electorates left, right & centre…
because that is very much how this shit works, near as anyone seems able to figure it…& we in the english-speaking world are not teaching our (largely unengaged & even less interested) electorates how not to be useful idiots for any fuckwit with an axe to grind & so much as a journeyman’s understanding of the intersection of the long tail with the miracles of social media, mass data aggregation, algorithmic analysis & the fundamental principles of propaganda in the old-school joeseph-fucking-goebbels sense of the term…
…or if you don’t want to follow the link that should be hiding under that image to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, you could just see if this sounds at all familiar to you, instead:
& if you’re comfortable with all of that, maybe consider the fact that the lady that said this:
“The people who today say they would have done more for those poor, persecuted Jews,” she says, “I really believe that they sincerely mean it. But they wouldn’t have done it, either. By then the whole country was under some kind of a dome. We ourselves were all inside a huge concentration camp.”
– Brunhilde Pomsel
…just so happened to be his secretary, so might be worth having listened to a little about a thing or two she saw in her considerably long & interesting life.
They say sometimes you either laugh or you cry…
so come on, now…
give me something to laugh about…
Because no matter what “der piffel” says about “getting brexit done”…
or how much he talks up a mandate that represents a bigger slice of a smaller turnout viewed “through a glass, darkly”…
or even how much alliteration &/or latin he can layer it with to help people choke down the bitter taste at the heart of it all…this train has not only left the station but failed to make the curve & left the tracks entirely on a direct course over the cliffs of Dover like a sick parody of one of the great moments of cinema…
& for reasons I’d hope were obvious even to someone who doesn’t think they have skin in this game, it all has me feeling like the phrase “over the top” is lurking in the wings just waiting to really put the icing on the cake…
This is bad. And I care very much how it “winds you up.” I can only offer you the distraction of Fur Face Friday as temporary solace.
seriously appreciated there…
…freaking lifesaver as a matter of fact.
I imagine you’re feeling pretty shell shocked. I know I did after the 2016 presidential election here. It still doesn’t seem possible!
That vote. F-cking ridiculous.
I didn’t sleep last night, largely because of the results. The entire election was a shitshow from all fronts.
The entire election was a shitshow. Did not sleep well last night, following results release.
I am truly, truly sorry. It’s both devastating to realise your fellow countrymen are such isolationist pigs and shocking to think so many would want to return to ‘the old’ and fuck up the environment even faster, but hey, whoever dies with the most money wins, right?
As goes the UK, so goes the US. We saw it in 2016; I fear we’ll see it in 2020. The Democrats are royally beefing it: The last-minute entry of 2 billionaires to protect the Wealth Class; they have a real ethnicity-appeal problem what with their lack of it; and the lack of a clear message, other than ‘PROTECT THE MODERATES!!!’ is problematic for me. For real. Like I can think of 5 off the top of my head that would have more mass appeal.
I digress. Long day.
I am truly, truly sorry. It’s both devastating to realise your fellow countrymen are such isolationist pigs and shocking to think so many would want to return to ‘the old’ and fuck up the environment even faster, but hey, whoever dies with the most money wins, right?
As goes the UK, so goes the US. We saw it in 2016; I fear we’ll see it in 2020. The Democrats are royally beefing it: The last-minute entry of 2 billionaires to protect the Wealth Class; they have a real ethnicity-appeal problem what with their lack of it; and the lack of a clear message, other than ‘PROTECT THE MODERATES!!!’ is problematic for me. For real. Like I can think of 5 off the top of my head that would have more mass appeal.
I digress. Long day.
I am truly, truly sorry. It’s both devastating to realise your fellow countrymen are such isolationist pigs and shocking to think so many would want to return to ‘the old’ and fuck up the environment even faster, but hey, whoever dies with the most money wins, right?
As goes the UK, so goes the US. We saw it in 2016; I fear we’ll see it in 2020. The Democrats are royally beefing it: The last-minute entry of 2 billionaires to protect the Wealth Class; they have a real ethnicity-appeal problem what with their lack of it; and the lack of a clear message, other than ‘PROTECT THE MODERATES!!!’ is problematic for me. For real. Like I can think of 5 off the top of my head that would have more mass appeal.
I digress. Long day.
I am truly, truly sorry. It’s both devastating to realise your fellow countrymen are such isolationist pigs and shocking to think so many would want to return to ‘the old’ and fuck up the environment even faster, but hey, whoever dies with the most money wins, right?
As goes the UK, so goes the US. We saw it in 2016; I fear we’ll see it in 2020. The Democrats are royally beefing it: The last-minute entry of 2 billionaires to protect the Wealth Class; they have a real ethnicity-appeal problem what with their lack of it; and the lack of a clear message, other than ‘PROTECT THE MODERATES!!!’ is problematic for me. For real. Like I can think of 5 off the top of my head that would have more mass appeal.
I digress. Long day.