Hi, friends!
It’s that time of year again for my company. Annual Review Time!
I took a new role at the company in the beginning of the year. So current boss will be reviewing the annual review with me that… the former boss did for a very different role. Normally I could expect an annual raise of 2.5-3%, but since I just got a raise in January with the new role, I don’t even know if I’m eligible for an annual raise.
I’ll find out tomorrow morning when I get my annual review!
I have done precisely nothing today, and it has been blissful. I read, I watched a couple movies, and I did nothing more strenuous than warming up my heat pack (I stitched a towel into a tube and filled it with dry rice and a handful of cloves. Microwavable warmth AND it smells good!)
I am both looking forward to and dreading pool therapy tomorrow. On the one hand, yay, warm water and moving with less pain! On the other hand, I still hurt from Monday’s therapy! Also, I have to go out in the morning and find a better swim suit… my current one is really not working out for therapy.
I may not be heard from for awhile at some point… my phone has been freaking out and I don’t know when I can get a new one.
Right there with you. My boss quit right before the pandemic, so I was handed all his work without compensation. Then the pandemic hit and they gave us all a 10% pay cut across the board. Then they offered voluntary buyouts, and 50 or so people took them up on it , including one person in my department. So my department shrunk to me and one other guy. And he quit in August. And I was alone. Four down to one.
So my VP, who is aware of what she’s asking of me, got my salary reviewed and revised in September in light of my new duties. So I got a raise. And then she went to bat and got me approved to hire a replacement for the last guy that quit. And then she got me a bonus. And the company did better than expected (partly through my efforts) and we got the 10% reduction fully refunded right before Christmas. So I got like the equivalent of 4 paychecks on Christmas Eve. It doesn’t quite make up for working every night and weekend and holiday for months, but it didn’t suck either. And now she’s got me approved to hire another person.
But now reviews loom, and I hate them. I don’t like writing my own, and I don’t like reviewing other people. But it’s the job, and I said yes, so I gotta do it. Fortunately my new hire is a good guy and I have lots of good things to say about him so that makes things MUCH easier. I’m also being tacitly assured of a promotion, though I won’t believe that until I see it. I changed careers to take this job, and this is NOT how I expected it to work out, but honestly, it’s working out. And I’m damn lucky.
Wow. I’m so happy that you have a boss who goes to bat for you and the resources you need. That’s all-too rare in this world.
Believe me, I know. I’ve had WAY too many of the other kind.
If I got reviews as a mom… Well I wouldn’t want to get reviews as a mom. My 3.5 year old still isn’t potty trained, throws tantrums about eating vegetables, and gets waaay too much screen time. But like, I’m keeping both of us alive, so that’s something right? Also he can list all the planets and dwarf planets in our solar system and how many moons they have, plus a bunch of random facts about them, so I must be doing… something?
My kitty seems to have settled well into life as a one eyed cat. I forget sometimes. Now that the fur is growing in, it’s really not bad looking at all. Now that she’s settled, I think we might get new kittens in the next month. We’ll probably wait until my husband gets vaccinated since he has an appointment for his first shot tomorrow, yay! Of course it’s at a mass vaccination site 1.5 hours away, but we’ll take what we can get… The MA vaccine rollout has been a TOTAL shitshow. We were on our respective computers trying for at least an hour to grab an open slot for him when I got lucky. This was during the window when the site wasn’t crashing. And before they shut it all down because they realized they don’t have enough supply to meet demand. And anyone without the means to drive an hour or spend hours on the computer trying to grab an open slot is SOL. Ugh, fuck Baker.
As a fellow mom, I’ve revised your case and find you deserve all the stars for keeping your kiddo alive for the past year during a global pandemic.
@BigDamnHeroes If your child feels a safe and loved you’re doing what matters.
Glad kitty has adjusted.
One of the many problems with not being able to go out to eat is losing the opportunity to introduce kids to veggies in restaurants where they don’t feel the same pressure to eat. So it’s hard to go to the BBQ place where you can casually rave about the collards, or the Chinese place where you can teach them to use chop sticks and try them out on bamboo shoots or bean sprouts. You also can’t ship them off to a friend’s house where they just try stuff, which is how I learned to tolerate cauliflower.
Weirdly I didn’t have a lot of success at restaurants back when we went in the past, though that was about a third of his life ago. This kid loves the familiar. Sometimes peer pressure at my sister’s house would work, when he would watch what his cousin was eating. Lately I’ve had some success with a brilliant strategy my sister has been using – displaying an array of veggies in a rainbow (for example, red peppers, carrots, corn, peas, purple tomatoes, sometimes chickpeas at either end for clouds… I don’t bother with a blue). The first three times I did it, he gobbled the whole thing up. Now I’m getting some resistance on that too, though still less than usual.
I was a SAHD (stay at home dad for u newbs) since my eldest was born 19 years ago. I used to tell people that I know why animals eat their young & that late term abortions should be allowed until 18 years. I often thought, WTF am I doing but they have become amazing women. Maybe in spite of me, maybe because of me but I would probably get shitty performance reviews except for cooking. We also have a family business, my wife is the boss, I’ll avoid that review. I’ve been helping a friend do construction, he would give me a great review because I keep him alive! He likes to do stupid things & I talk him out of it. My last job, my boss is an asshole but that’s because I am also self employed. My clients think of me like the soup nazi, be nice & u get good work. Piss me off & you will not get back emails or calls.
@myopicprophet the ability to clear all notifications from the toolbar in the upper right is super convenient!!!
I hate annual reviews especially the way we do them at the hospital. I don’t have to do them for other people anymore so that’s a bonus. However the hospital told us all last year not to expect any raises for the foreseeable future. As far as I’m concerned that should mean no more reviews but that would require them to be reasonable.
Not related AT ALL to tonight’s topic, but a MAJOR case of, “Hello, Pot?!? This is Kettle calling!”
I mean, they just can’t help themselves. At some point early in the trump administration, we realized the Republican stance had become “I’m rubber you’re glue”.
The cupidity, avarice, hubris & hypocrisy of ALL of them was only reined in by their collective stupidity, & the fact that they eventually & ALWAYS telegraphed the true meaning behind their actions.😕
everything that happened in the last 4 years is going to be suddenly bad
like it is everytime the reps arent in power
i mean seriously
how do they keep a voterbase with that kind of wishy washy policy?
(oh wait…yeah..i forgot…the base is either dumb and racist…or rich and dilligaf)
i assume theres a middleclass and racist and dumb in there too…but tbh….i cant identify the murican middle class
ive had people tell me they are middle class as they only earn around a hundred grand a year
i dont care how you self identify….you are rich motherfucker
gUnZ aNd BaYbEeZ
I was just having a conversation about this with a friend: who’s rich? Obviously there’s no hard line and it depends on context, but people in this country don’t like to identify as rich or upper class. Everyone wants to identify as middle class (while the middle class disappears) because politicians have been pandering to the middle class forever. People think that not owning a yacht or having a mortgage means you’re not rich. And it certainly makes us different from the ultra rich. I think the trouble is that the ultra rich have gotten so filthy rich that people earning 300k are like “well I’m not rich.”
The other end of it is that no one wants to self-identify as lower class or working class, so people mentally associate themselves as middle class and also vote against their best interests.
Years ago when I worked at Target, I asked coworkers what income they needed to be middle class. And the amounts they came back with were like “well, $25k a year probably” – and these were people in their mid 20s. That’s not enough to raise a family on.
Yep! We’re a nation where everyone is “upper middle class” or “lower middle class” and nothing else exists unless you’re literally homeless or a multi billionaire.
i just woke up in time to go to work…even tho i dont have to today
ive beeen conditioned
anywhoos……ive probably added a few marks against me yesterday as a laid on the horn against stockholders and me boss
(yeah…..get outta the way you lanky fucking wankers…im trying to work here…havent you got offices for this shit?)
fuckers werent even wearing safety shoes
or fucking masks for that matter…but then i guess its only us plebs that might be contagious