An Obamacare ruling could totally circlefuck the election

A rapist.

In this avalanche of shit we are all running from, you might have missed that Obamacare is fighting for its life right now, and we could have a decision from SCOTUS on its constitutionality by June (if they agree to take up the case). Democrats are asking for it to be expedited but that takes five justices to agree.

You all know the situation – millions of people are at risk to lose their healthcare, those who aren’t are at risk to get charged more for being women or having preexisting conditions, etc. Same old shit we’ve been hearing for the entire DECADE that we’ve had Obamacare. Yeah, you read that right: DECADE, you old fuck!

Plenty of people are already dying with Obamacare in place because it’s not covering enough people.

I really hate when people discuss a serious subject in the context of how it plays electorally, but hey. Fuck it. I’m going to fantasize wildly:

I think the best case scenario is 1) SCOTUS rules to dismantle Obamacare (HEAR ME OUT) 2) The Republicans get shitfucked into outer space in the election 3) the dismantlement (??) has yet to take place and the new Democrats quickly pass a better version.

Is that a wild fantasy? Probably.

What does circlefuck mean? You don’t know. Neither do I.



  1. While I think Healthcare is a net win for Dems, your best case scenario directly kills too many people for me to be on board with. That, plus the uncertainty of Trump’s re-election, plus the fact that not all Dem. candidates are ready to support medicare for all (FULL FUCKING STOP, MAYO PETE), means I have to hope its constitutionality is upheld.

    • I think this would be the comment that was hung up – while we are doing our best to figure out what’s triggering the pending issue (nothing ought to be) it does rather boil down to one put-upon individual who sadly has to do something else with at least some of their time due to this thing someone invented called quality of life…in the Roles post there are a few names listed as having “editor” status (which is more or less mod status on a group blog over on kinja as far as I can make out) & if you have that problem again & let one/any of them know they ought to be able to free it up for you?

      • My “rude!” was totally sarcastic, my apologies if it didn’t come across that way. I know how hard all of you are working on this, and it’s much appreciated. I figured it’d get approved eventually.

        Thanks for the info, though! I’ll do that next time. I tried to approve it on my own, but it wouldn’t let me.

        • Ahaha I didn’t think you were accusing US of being rude. We are all aware there is some random spam stuff happening and we all agree it is rude (on the part of the tech gods).

  2. Well, in my “best case scenario” it’s crucial that the dismantling of Obamacare never gets done because it’s too quick between the court ruling and when our new class of hero Democrats (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) get elected and pass something better.

    So my “best case scenario” really just depends on people freaking out abou losing healthcare, killing the Republicans in the election, and then it never actually taking that turn.

    But the ACTUAL best case scenario is that we don’t have to go through any of that and get M4A – you are right. Mine was a shitty best case haha.

  3. My last comment is trapped in the spam filter, which, rude!

    I just think a lot of red states will hear “unconstitutional” and yeet the entire thing out the window immediately. I don’t have faith in them to repeal and then replace.

  4. I really have a hard time seeing Roberts let a lower court ruling this dumb overrule something he personally did. And yes, my one hope is that the Supreme Court Chief Justice is petty as hell.

    But I’m really getting worried that with the USSC essentially abandoning the concept of precedent in favor of partisanship we’re going to have a completely irreconcilable body of law in this country.

    • Yeah Roberts already ruled in favor of this exact thing so it’s also hard for me to envision him just saying “OVERRULE MYSELF!” If anything, he’s so obsessed with his own legitimacy and that of the court in this stupid timeline with his new stupid justice.

      So I do worry about partisanship on the part of SCOTUS, but at the same time, we’ve been there all along really. I think abandoning precedent would be new though.

      • Thomas has openly been hostile to Stare Decisis. And multiple justices signed on to that insane attempt to block abortion in Lousiana before the SCOTUS even hears the case.

        I just keep seeing the howler monkeys gaining more and more power.

        • They are. For the rest of our lives, we will have to contend with this judiciary. If we can’t consistently keep Congress Democratic most of the time…bad news.

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