To be fair, we didn’t actually go anywhere!
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Here’s some stuff that is going on…
Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon
‘I’m surprised it took so long’: Cubans find anger in their souls
Enormous scale of destruction is revealed as water subsides after historic western Europe flooding
Collin Morikawa rallies to win British Open, his second major in just eight Grand Slam starts
Dow futures drop more than 100 points after major averages post first negative week in four
What I hear whenever someone says “to be fair…”
Have a great Monday!!
I give you 100 stars/recs, whatever we give each other on this site for the Letterkenny “To be fair” video. I love that show, except that almost every episode has these elaborate, drawn-out fight scenes. To be fair, this is rural Ontario, but…
Thanks! Big fan here as well. I have to restrain myself on conference calls when someone says “to be fair” from going into full Letterkenny mode.
If you instigate these calls, after everyone is done jibber-jabbering, to introduce the intent of your call start with “Let’s get choring.”
I say this out loud sometimes when I’m about to make dinner, especially if it involves a lot of prep work. Sometimes I’m alone and the dog understands that food will appear. I swear he has a wider working vocabulary than many members of Congress. If my Worthy Opponent is in the apartment he’ll just shake his head and place a call to Sydney or Shanghai or wherever he needs to.
I’d say about half my internal monologue is currently Letterkenny quotes and yes, I did make a “pitter patter” bumper sticker for my car with my Cricut. LNK if you need one for your Rollator.
I think the full quote “Pitter patter let’s get at ‘er” might be misinterpreted if plastered on a Rollator being operated by a man whose pandemic look is trending toward Unabomber, especially since I, at least, am still fully masked although fully vaccinated.
It’s funny, I used to wear the mask as a sign of Civic Duty and felt scorn for those who didn’t. Now I wear it and combined with the Rollator people must think, “Oh my God, he has it, stay out of his way!” And then often I have the Loyal Hound with me, who’s more social than I am, so that creates further sidewalk chaos.
I’ve said this several times before, but once I got over the initial resistance to watching a show about Canadian hayseeds, I’ve found Letterkenny to be brilliant. Its rhythms are positively Beckettian at times.
starred for letterkenny
You’re fucking 10 ply bud.
The flood pictures. yikes.
Okay, NOT Florida:
‘Video games are not real’: Sheriff’s office pens hilarious response after suspect tries to steal a jet
And can anybody verify Loveshaq’s whereabouts?
Who is this “we” you speak of?
‘Are we that stupid?’ Donald Trump Jr. veers off-script with ‘landslide’ election rant at youth rally
I think we can all agree that you fall into that category, Donj.
Not so much stupid as delusional and prone to hallucinations. Lifelong family trauma. Substance misuse in there somewhere. Unhealthy relationships with various people in his life and odd and unhealthy reactions to entire classes of people he doesn’t know. Dating a woman who is very obviously molding herself into the image of his stepmother is cause for concern. Gloating about animal torture and death is an indicator of pathological violence, c.f. the Huckleberries of Arkansas. Probably 1/3 of the DSM-5 describes things exhibited by Half-Scoop.
Just because his suffix is “Junior”, that doesn’t mean a middle-aged man can show up at a youth rally without looking like a creeper.
Well done on the Nationals tweet!
PS: thanks I wasn’t sure if it was gauche to put my own tweet in a DOT!
From the Cuba story (emphasis mine):
well….gotta bomb somewhere now you’ve stopped in afghanistan…
cant have all that hardware sitting around doing nothing
Don’t want that overpriced military artillery to rust!
oh…what the fuck bojo?

open up now….require vaccines in september?
does that no seem maybe just a little bit fucking backwards to you?