Anticipation for 65 hours from now [NOT 17/1/21]

Tim Curry in Rocky Horror singing the line from Sweet Transvestite "I see you shiver with antici"

Happy Sunday, friends!

On my way to Costco today, I realized I could listen to NPR again.

Back story – I love listening to NPR in the car. Got me through a long commute without me getting cranky and impatient.

However, Cheeto Mussolini’s voice grew increasingly more and more triggering for me to hear as the fucker’s presidency wore on. So one of the things I did for my own sanity (starting around 2018) was I just did everything possible to not hear him talk. I would read news stories instead of watching CNN or MSNBC, etc.

It also meant I stopped listening to NPR because I didn’t want to listen to anything where they might need a sound byte and I just couldn’t fucking deal with it.

I’m such a dork. I’m so excited to listen to NPR again. I know Cheeto Mussolini will still be in the news because of the impeachment, but that fucker is OUT OF THE OVAL OFFICE really fucking soon.

I know things won’t magically be better on Wednesday. But goddamn I’m so ready for things to be less bad.

Is there anything you’re looking forward to on Wednesday? Something specific beyond “a leader who isn’t working for foreign states” or “a leader who is able to speak in a coherent manner”?



  1. @perdido, you may get a good chuckle out of this. You know how Affton is republican as fuck in most of the neighborhood? Trump signs everywhere in October, etc. 

    Definitely drove by a house with a large Biden sign with a giant W below his name hanging off someone’s deck. I’m sure the neighbors loved that. 😀 

    • Well, Affton’s fairly blue-collar, isn’t it? It’s one of those places that I can now see bouncing from Obama to Trump and then back to Biden, as unthinkable as a phenomenon like that might’ve sounded once upon a time.

  2. @brightersideoflife, I too have avoided his voice with a tenacity better used toward positive or payable activities. I am an admited language geek, both written and spoken word, so I am excited to no longer hear his best, bigly, Flesch Kincaid 4th grade level, huckster passel of lies.

    I am hoping for the reinstatement of laws and programs that support ecology and a civil society…just to start! 

    • Did you see that Biden is elevating the White House Office of Science and Technology to a cabinet-level agency? That makes me so happy. We need more science and less dumbassery in government!

  3. I too have avoided his voice at all cost. I even had to start glossing over any of his incoherent quotes (which means all of them) because I could hear his voice in my head while I read them.

    • Same. My wife and I both feel exactly the same way. That screeching nasal whine just drove me absolutely apeshit. I CAN NOT stomach listening to him talk. It’s not just the idiocy or the mangled English — it’s the tone and pronunciation. And I can scrape my nails against a chalkboard all day without batting an eye. I can’t get through a sentence of Trump (of course, neither can he, ba-dump-bump).
      I had problems listening to Michael Bloomberg for the exact same reason. Their voices, accents, and inflections are similar. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Bloomberg like I hate Trump, but his voice just evokes “Trump” to me. 

      • So much of Trump’s incoherent rambling and cadence to me says “people have made me think my entire life that all the things I say are really good words and I am an important speaking person doing the speaking thing” to which I mean, Bloomberg being wealthy as fuck probably has the same mentality. 

        • Yesss. This is a big part of it. Though it goes way beyond that, because I’ve never heard another entitled dipshit speak in the same bizarre way. If you look back at stuff of him from the 90s and such, he has that same “I’m so important” air, but the voice and weird lip pucker isn’t as exaggerated. I’ve wondered if he played up some weird speech patterns when he was doing the reality TV thing to make himself more of a character, and then it just became him.
          Anyway. I’m the same way – I read my news to avoid listening to him actually speak as much as possible, though I watch plenty of late night shows so clips are inevitable. Always raises my blood pressure. 

  4. I’m looking forward to Bernie being Budget chairman.  That will make some Rethugs lose their shit!  Getting competent people on vaccines will help immensely too.

  5. …I guess you could argue it makes me a glutton for punishment…but I’m looking forward to reading stories about old-man-baby post-presidency?

    …pretty much exclusively based on the fact that everything I knew about the man before he ran for office…combined with everything I learned paying an apparently unfashionable amount of attention to the detail of the findings of the mueller report…a general sense for how long it takes for things to grind their way through the courts to an actual conclusion…&…well…the last 5 years or so of orange-foolius-saturated coverage in pretty much every available medium

    …all of which leads me to conclude that much as I’ve hated having to take all that in…I might like a bunch of what’s to come…since I’m just about certain he won’t…& I very much look forward to the prospect of rendering his name synonymous with the old adage about how crime doesn’t pay?

    • I want him to get his comeuppance. 

      I don’t consider myself a “good” person and I am an atheist, so there’s no Christian guilt left. 

      So yes, I am pretty much looking forward to seeing the post-presidency changes to his and his douchey family’s lives. 

  6. After all the ugliness and lies from trump I’m looking forward to Biden’s cringe worthy gaffes. 

    And my Girl Scout cookies arrived today, I’m looking forward to those too. 😋

    • @Elliecoo I ordered them online, my daughter sent me the link to her goddaughter’s order form. They came so fast. If she’s still selling them you can order from her. You have to pay shipping but they can’t go door to door these days.

  7. I know things won’t magically be better on Wednesday. 

    But you know what? I said the same thing before Obama’s first term, and the difference, to me, was actually palpable once he was sworn in. The “national mood” is definitely a thing, and while I will not expect any miracles, I won’t be surprised by how quickly some things change. 
    I’m looking forward to (hopefully) quick reversals on all the land grabs in national monuments. 

  8. I’m looking forward to most of politics becoming boring again – like having cabinet appointments and secretaries and such that are just… not controversial or shocking enough to be newsworthy to much of the populace.

    • Yeah when we go back to not paying attention unless someone gets sick and throws up at a state dinner! 

      Totally agreed, I want to stop having existential crises fucking regularly over politics. 

      • That’s my absolute main thing – I want to not feel the need to check my news feed, every day, multiple times a day, with a sense of dread wondering what new shit just happened.
        What I really want is progress, to not just get us out of this hole but to fill in the hole so we can’t fall back in. But what I think I need is just some fucking peace and quiet, to not be worrying about every minute detail of what the government is doing, because there are finally some grown-ups in charge. 

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