…are we there yet? [DOT 25/10/20]

brace yourselves...it's gonna be a long week...

…it’s been said that the key to going the distance is to pace yourself


Trump’s Biggest Economic Legacy Isn’t About the Numbers



King Kong Trump, Losing His Grip



Lines Stretch for Blocks as New Yorkers Turn Out for Early Voting



…like the song says…we got a long way to go

End Minority Rule


…& a short time to get there





…while for some whose time is hopefully growing short it seems like they have no actual interest in getting there


R.I.P., G.O.P.

…& a complete disregard for those unlikely to make it across the finish line so much as they are to wind up finished by the bottom line


Why Does Trump Win With White Men?



The Price for Not Wearing Masks: Perhaps 130,000 Lives




…but at some point the excuses ring as hollow as the many, many outright lies that (like the man himself) have no business occupying the coveted position of claiming legitimacy by association with a once-proud office

For years, The Epoch Times was a small, low-budget newspaper with an anti-China slant that was handed out free on New York street corners. But in 2016 and 2017, the paper made two changes that transformed it into one of the country’s most powerful digital publishers.





While Her Father Rails Against ‘Idiot’ Scientists, Ivanka Trump Talks Ice Cream






…or any office, when you come right down to it



…while in other cases (large & small) the facts are stark & the outcome seemingly inevitable








…at least it’s not monday…yet



  1. A propos of nothing I just got off a bracing phone call with some friends in England. I told them (a married couple) that I wish I could be with them because they live in a very beautiful, peaceful, almost bucolic, almost village that is within striking distance of London. They have some land, three dogs, and they stable three horses. 
    Oh no I wouldn’t, according to them. Their country is at least as chaotic as ours (America). They’re introducing ever stricter lockdowns by city and region, all of this dictated from something called SAGE and implemented on whim by the PM, Boris Johnson, who’s more than a little Trumpish himself, although a much more serious and intelligent man. While they await the inevitable diktat to come to their hamlet they also have Brexit to contend with. The husband works for a foreign firm and the wife is a very global person (that’s how I know her) so they’re expecting the worst. 
    “I envy you, Cousin Matthew. Soon you might be rid of that dreadful toad and the civilized world will rejoice. But here in gloomy, miserable Little Britain our prospects look bleak. But let’s make a promise. The minute we can, we will come stay with you again in New York and you will come stay with us. The horses miss you, especially X. I know she threw you to the ground the last time [this is true; I’m not that great a horseman] but that was her way of saying hello. Plus you and The Better Half are so good with the dogs. [& etc.]”
    Hope springs eternal in the human breast–Alexander Pope

    • yeah england is doomed
      but tbh…making everything sound worse than it is is very british
      we love to bitch and everything sucks
      anyhoo…im still not convinced yous wont vote the fucking tangerine in for four more years

    • …honestly I think it’s hard to really tell which is the worse set of prospects but it’s entirely plausible that in the short-to-medium term the UK has more substantially screwed itself than the US

      …that more or less presupposes that the US course corrects on its presidential picks…& that for all that Biden likely won’t do enough to really make the sort of progress we tend to think of as progressive at least does something to curb the substantial damages wrought across the courts & a swathe of agencies such that the place finds itself on less shaky ground…even if the pace of change still leaves much to be desired

      …because it is hard to understate how bad an idea brexit is when examined outside the weirdly inverted bubble of multiple delusions that its champions cling to…& it’s very much not the sort of thing they get to reverse on the basis of a scheduled election…although somewhat ironically the rhetorical framework within which the bulk of that debate takes place is sufficiently well entrenched that the tories have a chance of retaining power even after the next general election rolls around

      …I know people I’d very much expect better of who none the less say things like “brexit’s already happened” despite the fact that thus far it’s very much in name only…& there’s a good chance some of them will feel as though accurate reporting of the consequences when it comes into meaningful effect is nothing more than sour grapes coming from disloyal types looking to do the country down when if they’d just talk it up instead everything would be coming up roses

      …it’s fucking baffling, frankly speaking…but in terms of lasting harm the tories have ever been the equal of the GOP…& they may not “play” as dreadfully in the coverage as Dolt45 but the damage they have wrought may well prove both longer lasting and more substantial

      …I expect they’ll all hail the last minute deal that is likely to be the outcome of the mishandled negotiations as a triumph simply by virtue of not being as bad as the no-deal alternative…again providing that the incumbent doesn’t retain his squatter’s rights to the Oval Office (since if that happens Boris may well pull the pin on the no-deal grenade & start seeing if he can flog the NHS as soon-to-be-privatized replacement for Obamacare) in the sadly just as plausible expectation that he’ll have widespread public support in doing so

      …this despite the fact that even a better deal than was ever on offer…& thus substantially better than any he’ll actually get…would by definition still be a worse deal than they had as a member of the EU

      …not to mention the degree to which a stand alone Britain that won’t shut up about the importance of its personal sovereignty is not only going to be sadly diminished in the eyes of the rest of the world but liable to get very little sympathy from places that remember the days of the British Empire a damn sight less fondly than the brexit-faithful

  2. If it’s Sunday, there must be a front page, above the fold story in the NY Times about how a rustbelt city is still loving Trump.
    (I won’t link to it — you’ve seen it a million times).
    (This also applies to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….)

  3. que?
    me daughter just sent me an ingredient list of shit she will no longer eat
    go fuck yourself little girl
    farscy fucking quits
    sort out your own fucking meals

    (farscy thinks hes probably over reacting….that said…fuck this shit i quit)

    • …how bad is the list?

      …I’m guessing these aren’t things on account of allergies or anything so it seems fair that if she aims to make cooking more of a chore it ought not to be one she expects to have done for her so I figure you have more of my sympathies than the daughter on this one

      …but I remember a while family I know ending up on a vegetarian menu on account of their youngest getting militant about it…& she did not appreciate it when I asked how come she still bought leather shoes brand new…so maybe I’m biased?

      • she sent me a gluten free recipe for cheese sauce
        shes not allergic
        also tuna is now icky
        and im sposed to get her soy yoghurt for breakfast
        imk already fucking broke… so im siding with go fuck yourself little girl…. farscy is done fucking cooking.. fuck this shit…im actually starting to look forward to living on me on

        • …I’m sorry shit doesn’t seem to be giving you an easier time of it…but that does sound like she’s pushing her luck from where I’m sitting

          …I dunno…but if she bought the food & did the cooking that’d be one thing…but under the circumstances the word that springs to mind is “inconsiderate”, I guess?

          • oh shes pushing her luck allright
            but i guess its also a bit of me generally being done with everything
            i do not have the mental capacity to deal with additional shit right now…. especially not additional stupid shit like i need super a spensive breakfast fucking yoghurt coz thats what some fucking nimrod on the interwebs decided is the fucking cool thing now
            fuck that… fuck cool…get a fucking job
            eurgh….i may be just a little bit annoyed and punchy right now

            • …well, I don’t know as it’s much consolation…but that makes sense to me?

              …sincerely wish life was according you a little more respect & a lot less aggravation

              …but it doesn’t seem like asking the kid not to add to the score on that last thing should be unreasonable…whereas it sounds a lot like her requests are…& not for what sounds like good reasons

              …leastways that’s the way it comes across to me

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