Australia Fires Update

The bush fires have been burning across Australia for over two months now, and the new year has been no more merciful. There are live updates here; another Paradise lost; concerns about the dairy farms and milk supply; and fears of potential extinctions.

Meanwhile, PM Scott Morrison didn’t receive a very warm welcome in Cobargo (once he’d returned from Hawaii) due to his climate change stance, but it’s not all bad because in addition to P!nk donating $500K to help Australian firefighters, an Australian comedian has raised more than $26M to fight bushfires, an Instragram model raised $700K for bushfire relief donations, and the Irwin family is carrying on the family tradition.



    • I limit it to the facts and links, or otherwise I would be doxxing myself *hard* with stories of fires: trying to plan a ways out when only *that* one crazy curvy road is left; ‘how do they think they’re going to get us all out that way if fire comes through’; living under red skies, acrid air, constant fear and anxiety, without utilities (generally). I have grown up around wildfires.

      It makes me even more leery of summer, because I believe Australia’s summer fires are a preview of ours (always have).

      • …much as I do wish you didn’t have the insight you do into this for the reasons you do I’d very much like to continue to benefit from it as we go

        …so we’ll have to have a think about what might be done about that

        …all the bits of that, if at all possible?

      • They get more sunshine than anywhere else on earth. But less than 1% of their electricity comes from solar power! I’m not blaming them for being the biggest contributor to global climate change, that would probably be China and the US but they sure as hell could do better in slowing it down. And avoid mass extinctions in the process. One of the excuses for the NYE fireworks was tourism. I mean it’s not like anyone goes to Australia to see the animals. /s

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