Bath Time [NOT 6/8/21]

We have a full weekend ahead. Grocery store, laundry, yard work, and cooking ahead. The main event though will be bathing four dogs. So what do you got going on?

Those eyes



  1. i was planning to spend most of the weekend at the race track….theres a dirt cheap event on…..but the weather is making me think yeah…nah… i dont want to wallow in mud and then get struck by lightning after paying for the privilige…
    sooo….i guess have motogp to watch (the old fart anounced his retirement..gonna be wierd not having him on the track…..kinda got used to it after 20 some years) other than that…..looks like its chores for me this weekend

  2. OMG that pic is adorable, lol. 
    I have banana peppers to clean and slice for pickling, all the usual Saturday chores. And a retirement dinner for a friend tomorrow night. 

  3. I was off Thursday so made damned sure to get the grocery shopping done because it was raining all day which meant no garden work.  I’m still way behind on that and very likely won’t catch up but I’ll be doing what I can, plus more refrigerator pickles.

  4. We’re heading to family camp on Sunday for the week. I always get anxiety before a trip, but my levels are through the roof with covid and delta added to it all. They also just informed us that a week or more ago, a camper and staffer both tested positive after leaving camp… They tested everyone there, and retested everyone yesterday, and all tests have come back negative… But it’s pretty concerning. Hopefully it’s an isolated incident?? We’re planning to be pretty vigilant… Hopefully it’s enough… And we can still relax enough to enjoy ourselves. 

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