I mean, what’s it all about really these days…I mean, literally – these days between the ones that are a big enough deal to have names of their own – christmas gets an eve, then a day & even a bonus we-overindulged day mysteriously associated with boxes…which in some respects seems like it might have been more useful at the wrapping-presents stage…& then new year’s gets an eve & a day (& in civilised places at least a promise that maybe a monday off might be in order if there’s one in the immediate vicinity)…but in between lies a sort of nameless limbo…
the limbo bit is pretty definite – try getting much done in the way of serious work & you tend to find pretty swiftly that neither work nor serious is a natural fit for a lot of people this time of year…
but the nameless thing is allegedly up for debate…
I know at least some people call it twixtmas but I heard a rumor that came from a tv show & maybe doesn’t count in case some trademark/copyright thing happened…so the uncertainty persists…
well, I mean some things are certain…obviously…
have another drink, maybe…’tis the season…we know that…
I call it a work week. *shrugs*
Holidays are too long and there are too many of them!
Hannibal Scrooge 😡
On the other hand you can never have too much Fur Face Friday!
hallelujah…cometh the hour, cometh man’s best friend…
does this “president” know that the scene was cut (for time) in 2014?
also, is he aware that unlike the president and fox news the prime minister doesn’t actually run the cbc?
I would enjoy watching Trump box Trudeau. Trump won’t because he’s a candy ass.
…that’s a lot of candy…
This “president” doesn’t know much of anything.
…he knows what he likes
…because he generally has someone plaster that shit with his name in big (fake-)gold letters
I don’t know about Boxing Day, but I certainly had ‘ergh!*@omgwtf Wednesday – Friday, due to an exciting new gift.
Maybe something like the ‘lazy last few days of the year’…because no one really wants to be at work right now, do they? (And it’s not like business demands that people be at. work. right now, because how many people are really looking for apartments or houses; or building highways; or scheduling appointments for their bosses who are spending the holidays in Tahiti or Vale, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s?)
go, go, exciting gift…hurrah…
& aside from your real actual adults like RedMenace75 who do the sorts of jobs that do not respect the concept of holidays (or sometimes think of them as peak business hours) the rest of us so-called grown ups need to recover from over-indulging before resting up in preparation for pretending that staying up all night at new year’s is totally something we’re still young enough to get away with…
I know “dog day afternoon” was about a very un-relaxing time but judging from the pics on fur face friday & my general experience of your actual dogs’ approach to the afternoon portion of the day…I feel it was long on police men & short on napping, quite honestly…
I like “lazy last days”…or even “last lazy days” before picking up the pace again in the new year?