If Donald Trump thought the worst of the coronavirus was behind us, he got a sufficient wake-up call when, on Wednesday, one of his personal valets tested positive for the disease.
In a White House where basically no one is wearing a mask or taking any sort of social distancing and isolation measures, this is a capital letter BIG DEAL, seeing as though it typically takes a week or more for symptoms to begin to manifest. That means this valet has been walking around the White House for a while, potentially as carrier to the disease, potentially exposing everyone. Trump was reportedly “upset” at the news, according to CNN.
Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were immediately tested for COVID-19 and the results came back as negative, which I will dutifully and definitely truthfully inform you is not a total bummer. But maybe COVID-19 so close to home will make the President second guess his aggressive attempts to re-open the country.
…I mean, actually it won’t, but it’s nice to think about.
…about that subtitle…not a damp eye in the house would be my guess?
No onions in KFC or Cola.
Thoughts ‘n Prayers, RIP, Thoughts’nPrayers…
You ca choose *what* those thoughts are, and how those prayers are phrased, of course!😉😈😈
“Couldn’t happen to a more fitting Prez!” *could* be one train of thought, for example……………..
I read sometimes you can test negative for several days after exposure. Now I am far from a religious man but if ever a time to take up prayer, now is it!
I’m not religious either, but I’ll pray right along with you. As Blaise Pascal noted a long time ago, what could it hurt?
…bonus points for remembering Pascal was a betting man…we need as much pragmatic optimism as we can get
Tests are not 100% either, which is why we need contact tracing and reporting, but the idiots in charge don’t understand this.
Also, these tests have a false-negative rate of about 30%. If you’re not jabbing the swab all the way to the back wall of the nasal passages, you’re not doing it right.
Maybe God has ended the 3 and a half year bender that he’s been on, and got back to running the universe. Maybe.
Since this is my first post as a deadsplinter: He’s going to die from this.
From your keyboard to god’s ears.
Hope springs eternal.
…also, hi…glad you made it & all that sort of thing
…not sure anyone will be saying that about Old Yeller if he’s still on his feet when the credits roll on this reality tv disaster movie we seem to be living through
Agreed. This is the worst episode of Veep ever. -10/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND.
He’s not upset that the valet contracted the virus. He’s upset that the virus is not adhering to his narrative.