A car post?!? Well yeah.
What is the 4 wheeled vehicle of your dreams? Points to the pic above. I love the idea of an Aston, but the maintenance would be… expensive, bloody expensive which ruins the fantasy. And the police might frown upon the .30 cal machine guns.
What features of a car are you particular about? With an internal combustion engine vehicle, a manual transmission. All of my gas powered cars have had a manual. I can not, will not abide with an automatic. Why? I like having as much control as possible with my car as well as I feel that you pay attention more to the car on manual. Also since most folks can’t drive stick, having a stick makes it nearly theft proof.
Whose vehicles do you prefer? Leans toward Hondas.
What was your favorite car? My first. A used 1993 Acura Integra which had a Prelude chassis which was fast and maneuverable. I drove that thing right into the ground (RIP 2006.)
Finally, how long do you prefer to keep a car? Me, I drive them till they fall apart so I care less about resale.
Not a winner of the JD Power award.
a car post!
its been a fair few years since ive owned one
and my last one was an 83 panda…..thats not an easy act to follow….its the most amazing shitbox!
i think i want a 240 wagon next
theres almost nothing can go wrong on those tanks
oh but yeah…i own cars till death….the panda is the only car ive ever sold in still running condition
unkillable little bastard
i loved that little car…..it was loud and slow. and never failed to get me where i wanted to be
One of the joys of traveling ’round Europe is seeing what people drive. Small, dependable cars that are easy to park and don’t use a lot of very expensive gasoline. Gas has always been pretty expensive in Europe; I read recently it’s about $9/gallon in Britain, and I’m sure it’s much more if you can find a gas station in London. It’s about the same in Germany. Of course it would be rare for a German to commute by 30 or 40 miles each way to work, plus they have these vast bus/tram/commuter rail/subway systems all over the place that actually run on time and go where they say they’re going.
Growing up I always wanted a Dino…
My favorite car my family owned was a 80’s Toyota Supra, first one with all digital dash. Now, I am on the waitinglist to go all EV on a Fisker Ocean
and a Canoo Truck…
I’m not sure when the Canoo will actually come out but they are saying I could get my Fisker by early next year. Hopefully my Honda Civic will survive that long!
I’m not a big car person, I always go for the safe, dependable vehicle. My new Forester should be in sometime next week and I’ll drive it for the next 15 years or so. But if money was no object and I could afford a couple of cool vintage cars I’d get a Karmann Ghia in some outrageous color. And an El Camino.
of my dreams tho
nissan offered it….
and then they didnt build it…..wankers!
I’m a love-the-car-your-with kind of guy, so my favorite car is my Honda Element. It’s a great vehicle for farm or town with the 4-wheel drive and it’s so comfy. Sure-footed and stable, but it’s basically a box on wheels so in strong winds it tends to rock and roll a bit. Most important, the stereo is really good.
I see a lot of those in my neighborhood, for some reason. I always wondered what they are.
Redacted, meant to reply to myo
I had a Honda Element for a month – a lady in a Mountaineer ran a stop sign and hit me right at the back passenger side wheel. Knocked my car over on it’s side and threw my Basset hound out a barely open window. I managed to grab my other dog while we were tumbling over. I thought my basset had been crushed under the car and was slightly hysterical – once we settled and I could tell we weren’t on fire. I hauled myself up out of the passenger side door with other dog – luckily he was a beagle so not very heavy. People had stopped to help and were telling me to sit down, but I saw my basset running down the street so I took off after her. She was freaked out so I had to lay down in the middle of the road so that she thought I was hurt to make her come back to me. The airbags had gone off in the Mountaineer and burned the lady’s two Maltese’s.
I knew one of the firemen- he was one of our set medics – so he kind of hung out with me while they dealt with everything. We were standing next to the Element when we both were like- What’s that sound? Turns out I hadn‘t turned it off and it had been running for about 45 minutes on it’s side. The lady in the Mountaineer said that she had thought I was a bush!?! I mean it was a green one, but not very bush like. I had only been going 25mph when she hit me. I received my tag two days after the wreck.
The insurance company was going to try to fix it – which I was like – at the least the frame is bent and it was running for 45 min on it’s side- it should be totaled. Had to fight with them over it – luckily I won and they totaled it. I went back to the Honda dealership to get another one, but the sales guy wouldn’t give me the same deal(It had been the first time I had bought a brand new car myself and I was very proud of my negotiating skills.) The sales guy would not budge – said he had gotten in trouble for giving me such a low deal so I walked right over next door and bought a Toyota 4Runner instead. I did like that Element though – it was a fun car for the three and half weeks I had it.
That is a very messed up story! I hope you don’t have any long term effects from that!
Thanks! I was so worried about my dog running down the road, that I didn’t even think about myself. I think I was fine. I can’t remember having any pain or anything. I do remember it felt like we were falling over in slow motion which was weird.
Damn @Lymond. It sounds like you and your pups we’re lucky to make it out alive. I’m sorry for the other driver’s dogs.
The lady’s doggies were the only ones to go to the emergency room. Her husband came and got them and took them. They were fine – just a little singed fur. Now that I think about it – none of my airbags went off.
Singed dogs and a totaled new car, it could have been a lot worse. Still, a shame about losing that Element.
That is one dramatic story. I’m glad you’re OK.
Glad to hear you and the dogs were okay.
My parents and their dog got into an accident one time. The dog got thrown clear of the car and was unhurt but was so messed up emotionally that she allowed the traffic cops to pet her and give her treats (and she hated everyone but the family.)
I miss the K-cars from 87-89.
I can thread needles with those things.
Dodge 600? Gimme! Plymouth Reliant, YES PLEASE!
One of my sibling’s in-laws were an early adopter of a K-Car, from 1981 or 1982 I think. It was lemon yellow. It attracted a lot of attention at the time.
My friend’s dad had a K-car company car and my friend would destroy that thing on the weekends. We took it off-roading and almost destroyed it. It was a gutless piece of garbage.
Please tell me you’re not actually shitting on my K-cars BTL on the first car post here since 2019.
If that’s directed at me, no, not at all. It attracted a lot of attention because cars were so enormous throughout the 1970s, despite the brief 1973 oil embargo. Then came 1979, the Iran hostage hostage crisis, another huge spike in oil prices, and the boxy K-Car. Despite all this, most middle-aged people were still driving these swimming pool-size domestic models with hoods (bonnets?) that stretched far in front of the driver and passenger doors that weighed more than the people opening and closing them. Detroit’s Golden Era, never to be repeated.
It was in response to @loveshaq who had the *gasp* audacity to refer K-Cars (the most reliable cars ever BTW) as “gutless piece of garbage”
I think @loveshaq owes Dodge/Chrysler (despite their obvious miscomings) a formal apology.
I had to fill mine with a beer bottle full of oil from my dad’s shop every day.
I had a nice reliant automobile in HS.
as in a robin?
how are you still alive?
Affordable to buy and not bad to maintain.
I drive them until they die in an accident (RIP my first car, a lovely lil ’97 Ford Escort wagon that belonged to my grandfather before me) or something goes so wrong that the repair is worth more than the value of my car (RIP my second car, which was worth $1200 and needed $2500 of repairs).
I’m not a car person but oh my the Buzz ID has got me smiling. I have no idea when it will be available here or what the waiting lists are like. I want to go electric and need more room than my Kia Soul affords me. “Hamtaro” is a good little boxy car and I will keep her until she dies or gas is no longer sold at gas stations. Probably gonna be the latter since I live in the US. I haven’t done any research and probably there are better electric cars out there for my needs (the one @loveshaq posted looks like a good example).
The guy that designed the Ocean & is CEO of Fisker designed a bunch of iconic cars like the BMW Z8, and a bunch of Aston Martins. The Ocean should be a great EV if everything they are telling us is true. I can’t wait for it to come out.
From my times driving golf carts, I really like the smooth feel of electric motors. I’m awfully dubious about the quality control of Teslas, but I’m hoping that in a couple of years somebody is going to have a really solid EV or EV/hybrid.
I’ve had my model 3 since 9/18, 50k miles and not one issue.
The Aston Martin photo made me wonder if I was behind the wheel of an earlier model when
I met my untimely demise. No, I was driving an AC Six roadster. My research also reminded me that that happened during a special 2-hour Christmas episode, when the whole gang (including my wife, Lady Mary, whom you’re given to believe is about 11 1/2 months pregnant at the time) decided to hi-tail it off to Scotland to visit Cousin Shrimpie and his shrewish wife Susan. Susan was played by Phoebe Nicholls, who many years previously, played dissolute Sebastian Fyfe’s creepy and uber-Catholic little sister Cordelia on “Brideshead Revisited.”
Joyriding Division: BMW i8, or the Porche Taycan, preferably going up and down the mountain roads between Colorado Springs and Gunnison National Park and onto the Utah parks.
Daily Drivers Division: waiting to see if the electric F150 is any good.
ICE Division: the more upscale trims of the Accords are nice, but my wife said at that price might as well get a CPO luxury brand.
I drive a total soccer mom 2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid that I bought brand new. I traded in my 4Runner for it because I wanted a hybrid. It is the most boring looking car on the planet but I love it and it is zippy as hell and fantastically maneuverable.
I learned to drive on a 4 door Peugeot sedan that I cracked the head on in my senior year because I was racing Christy Kent in her Mustang to a football game. To this day my dad still doesn’t know I was racing. And, I had one of the original Jeep Wranglers for nineteen years and traded it to a guy who did some work on my house and bought the Element in the story posted to Luigi’s comment.
Dream car? Singer 911
Must have option? Cruise control.
Make? Ever- changing. If I needed to buy a vehicle today, I’d prolly wind up with a Toyota.
Favorite car owned? Tough call. Toss up between the Tesla and 09 Miata.
How long do I keep them? Haven’t sold a car in over 10 years. Car 1: 24yr. car 2: 17yr. car 3 : 9 yr. Car 4: 4yr.
My first car was a Chevy monte carlo 2 door in gobi beige 2 tone, 8 horses under the very long hood. I am not car proud, we have only 1 car, a 3 year old Hyundai accent. Dream car? Something 4 wheel drive and safe and sporty and hybrid.