Coffee Break

Coffee Break [13/5/24]

By now everyone has heard the sad news, that Roger Corman, the great cult film director has died. I’ve seen many of his movies. They were a staple of the

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [6/5/24]

Today is No Diet Day. Words of wisdom from a nutritionist I follow. Remember there are no good or bad foods. No moral value is assigned to any size or

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [29/4/24]

The other day, I came across an article about an online publication celebrating 1.8 million reads. I know that most industries have sites for sharing information specific to their trade.

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [22/4/24]

It’s Earth Day. We’ve come so far since 1970. We’ve stopped leaving the water running while we brush our teeth. We recycle, and we use market bags at the grocery

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [15/4/24]

It’s World Art Day. Henry Faulkner was a Kentucky poet and painter. An eccentric animal lover he was often accompanied about town by his pet goat Alice, a frequent subject

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [8/4/24]

First-time pet owners in Oklahoma have found themselves in a remarkable situation. I’m enjoying watching their story unfold. They better name one of the babies 42. Let’s talk about cephalopods.

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [18/3/24]

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. I’m planning to celebrate the equinox in a way that honors the memory of my grandmother, by Spring cleaning. I’m a neat freak

Coffee Break

Coffee Break [11/3/24]

Like most people, I’ve heard of the illegal harvesting of ginseng. But I first became aware that Venus Flytrap poaching was also a thing from an episode of Criminal in
