1. I’ve only seen wild bears a few times, and they were “only” black bears and not grizzlies, but holy cow are they amzing. Once it was a mom and her two cubs up on a hillside eating berries, not caring at all about tourists down on the roadside gawking as they filled their mouths.

  2. I’ve seen huge bear tracks in Alaska but fortunately, never run into them.  I’ve seen bears at a good distance in Yellowstone but Tahoe, they get up close and personal.  Each summer we are there it is just a matter of time until you see them.  Most times it is at the dumpster late at night but this little guy wandered into our timeshare during the day and made a scene.  This in the playground my daughters have played in every year they have been alive.

    • They’re giant raccoons in a lot of ways, with the usual warning that you don’t want to mess with them either. They can get as big as  medium dog and a lot meaner if they have to be. Definitely don’t feed them.

  3. Plenty of black bears in the northern side of Ontario.  When the family went car camping before I headed off to university, my mom was grilling some Korean BBQ (khalbi aka beef short ribs) while my dad was chopping some wood.  I turned around to see a bear about 10 feet from the kitchen tent. I grabbed the dog and warned the family.


    I threw the dog into the car (she was mad at me because I pulled her away from the delicious smells of BBQ, the same smells that attracted the bear.)  The whole family jammed into the station wagon and looked out as the bear was wandering around the campsite.  Fortunately, someone else had a cellphone (it was the late 80s and they weren’t as ubiquitous as they are now) and called the rangers who came along.  They shooed the bear away and notified the animal control guy about a bear pestering campers.  The bear was a black bear between 1-2 years old.

    Doxies are quite brave, but kinda stupid as they’ll charge anything even if the intruder is 100X their size.  That’s the main reason I grabbed the dog otherwise she’s attacking the bear.

    That is about as close as I want to get to any bear.

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