Christmas Reads

It’s a common TV holiday cliche to have a scene where the kindly grandfather reads Twas the Night Before Christmas to a group of rapt children. Is this a thing people really do? In spite of being a family of readers this was never one of our traditions. And there are certainly better stories than that tired old poem.

A Wish for Wings That Work Berkeley Breathed – sweet, silly, and has the requisite happy ending.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr Seuss – a classic read by the always creepy Keith Morrison

Letters from Father Christmas JRR Tolkien – beautifully written and illustrated

A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens – you’ve read it before, now listen to Neil Gaiman

A Christmas Memory Truman Capote – if you only know Capote from In Cold Blood you’ll be very surprised by this moving short story

The Stupidest Angel Christopher Moore – funny and irreverent

SplinterRIP suggested I read Hogfather Terry Pratchett and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Richard Bach. I’m always on the look out for new reading material so if you have any other holiday recommendations please let me know!



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