It’s a common TV holiday cliche to have a scene where the kindly grandfather reads Twas the Night Before Christmas to a group of rapt children. Is this a thing people really do? In spite of being a family of readers this was never one of our traditions. And there are certainly better stories than that tired old poem.
A Wish for Wings That Work Berkeley Breathed – sweet, silly, and has the requisite happy ending.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr Seuss – a classic read by the always creepy Keith Morrison
Letters from Father Christmas JRR Tolkien – beautifully written and illustrated
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens – you’ve read it before, now listen to Neil Gaiman
A Christmas Memory Truman Capote – if you only know Capote from In Cold Blood you’ll be very surprised by this moving short story
The Stupidest Angel Christopher Moore – funny and irreverent
SplinterRIP suggested I read Hogfather Terry Pratchett and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Richard Bach. I’m always on the look out for new reading material so if you have any other holiday recommendations please let me know!
for those not fond of actually reading the Sky people picked it for one of their two-parters…
& here’s a couple of links about those two book titles…
I’ll read it first,then watch!
Dylan Thomas — A Child’s Christmas in Wales
Beautiful,thank you. Happy Holidays.