City Walks – More Monsters

Somebody Feed Them Already!

Skeleton in a blouse

Bones Bones Bones

Following up on the Halloween photos of a couple of weeks ago, here are some more ghoulies and monsters.

Here’s one that struck me — a two story inflatable cat as tall as its house.

Giant inflatable cat

Also on a huge scale. I hope they don’t have postal carriers refusing to deliver the mail. I haven’t heard of any UPS delivery people going missing.

House decorated as giant monster

And then this house has handed over the first floor to a giant spider.

House with giant spider

On a much smaller scale, a fan of Back To The Future has a mini Mr. Fusion system, I’m guessing for a mini-DeLorean.

Mr. Fusion can and pink flamingo

And we all know what comes out of the ground by gravestones….

Home painted wooden grave stones


Here are a couple just chilling.

Skeletons sitting in chairs

These two don’t seem to be getting along.

Two skeletons

Here a mythical beast seems to have taken down a human.

Mythical beast skeleton biting human skeleton

And this tree seems to have gotten the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodsman. Or maybe someone left their skulls on pikes as offerings. Nothing is left of Dorothy but her slippers.

skulls with scarecrow and tin woodsman hats

But the wildest skeletons of all are these, which seem to change their clothes every few days.

They appeared wearing these outfits in the previous Halloween post.

Skeletons in costumes as mustard, hotdog and ketchup.

But they have also appeared as these two (some reference I don’t get?)

Skeletons in costumes


Skeletons in shark costumes

And the gang from Scooby Doo!

Skeletons in Scooby Doo Gang costumes

May we all find the energy to devote to the things we enjoy, and may we never resort to the snark that someone has too much time on their hands. You can never have too much time on your hands if there are skeletons to dress in Scooby Doo costumes. Happy Halloween!



  1. i wish we had halloween here

    i mean…..i guess theres nothing stopping me from just decorating as i please coz fuck you..we have halloween now

    but it seems a little pointless if theres no trick or treaters..

    we’ll just have a couple carved pumpkins with candles by the front door

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