It can be a struggle to get through the second half of the day.

Anyone up for some good news? Seven year old Curtis Rogers of Raleigh , North Carolina, heard that his beloved babysitter’s senior prom had been cancelled. He also knew, with the confidence only a child can have, that she really wanted to see him.
So he planned an occasion to cheer Rachel Chapman up and allow them to spend time together – Mini Prom!
The event had it all, starting with the now obligatory promposal. He wore a tiny purple bow tie to match her gown, served all their favorite after school snacks, there was dancing and pictures. Curtis may not have officially been crowned Prom King, but he’s got my vote.
Ok that is adorable.
Also, the struggle is real today. I slept like 4 hours last night. Seriously considering spiking my latte this morning.
I tossed and turned all night, definitely looking forward to cocktails this afternoon. And hopefully a better nights sleep for all of us.
Aside from a few nightmarish periods in my life, I’ve been blessed with the capacity to fall asleep within a few minutes, and stay that way most of the night. I once had an insomniac roommate who told me he was considering pushing a pillow over my face until I stopped moving because it drove him crazy.
…if I’m not careful it’s quite possible that the point at which I will have spent more of my life with a sleep debt about as serviceable as the federal deficit than being able to sleep like the proverbial student may sneak past me while I’m semi-conscious & yearning for the sweet embrace of slumber one of these nights
…would not recommend
…never thought about smothering anyone actually under the same roof, though…so I guess I got that going for me?
It makes my wife crazy too, but she’s a little less homicidal than my former roommate. However, I’ve been told that I…have a certain way with people, so I may push her over the edge yet.
lucky you
ive been blessed with the ability to lie down with me eyes shut for about 8 hours straight and not fall asleep…
ive not had the urge to smother anyone yet…. but ive had to stop meself from stepping off a balcony before
Cocaine: it’s not just for breakfast anymore.
We had a mini prom for my senior last night. My insane wife put up so many lights our house looked like a Tijuana nightclub. She spent 3 hours making corsages and another 3 decorating. All this after they spent about 5 hours in the morning scrubbing spray paint off walls to help in Seattle. I wore a full suit for only about the 3rd time in my life. Fun night and good reminder I know nothing about current popular music or dancing!
Your wife is awesome. And you’re a pretty good guy yourself. Your children are very lucky to have such caring, fun parents.
You would definitely get the eye roll for that comment from my daughters but thank you. My wife cannot do anything half-ass and goes way overboard in everything she does, especially for my daughters. This year has been the hardest, most disappointing for them in their short lives. Friday we did a virtual meeting with her college to find out they are doing hybrid classes most likely and not allowing them roommates. She had spent the last 3 months finding the perfect roommate online and doesn’t want to go with virtual classes. It has been a struggle to convince her that even with some classes online it will still be a better college experience than staying here.
They may roll their eyes now but they will remember it forever. It will be a strange freshman year but I’m sure she’ll adapt. She’s got a solid foundation under her feet.
Made sure my kid cast his first-ever ballot today. No substitute for missing the prom, but still a little marker of moving into adulthood.
That’s one of my favorite memories with my daughter. Voting then breakfast afterwards. Congratulations on an important milestone!
hahahahaha curtis rules!
as we’re all being cute today ill just leave this here
(never heard of colt clark before i accidentally found this earlier…. dudes pretty good tho…and his kids are cute)
We know who rules this house!
They are 😊