It can be a struggle to get through the second half of the day.
It turns out I’ve been drinking coffee all wrong. Not how I take it, but when. Like most civilized people I put the pot on as soon as I rise. I have at least two cups, then take the dog out for her walk. According to the Independent, I may be messing up both my metabolism, and my circadian rhythms. The barbarians conducting these studies want me to eat breakfast before drinking coffee. And wait at least an hour after waking up, preferably not between 8 and 9 am, to have my morning brew. Am I supposed to jump out of bed and eat, who does that? Then go for an hour walk before coffee? I can’t even imagine it.
How do you do mornings?
I have 2 cups before I can do anything and call it for the day usually. Any more and I rip up my insides. Really, I just wanted an excuse to post this…
I think I’m told old to change my ways now. Besides every time I turn around they a new study on coffee contradicts the previous one.
I love that song. 🙂
The best Squeeze song, and possibly related if you eat seafood at breakfast, like kippers: “Pulling Mussels.” I don’t know what this is from, but the song starts at about 1:00.
Great song! Squeeze was a fun band.
Deathwish coffee. First thing, about 6:30 AM, and then all day long. For variation flavored coffees that a true coffee aficionado will disdain – blackberry brandy, blueberry, raspberry white chocolate.
Oh, I forgot that you recommended Death Wish. I’m going to order some. Instead of changing my coffee drinking habit I’ll increase the caffeine amount! Thanks
Mostly decaf, 2-4 cups in the morning. Then full-caf. cold brew, 1-2 cups in the afternoon.
I never really understood the point of decaf. Do you just like starting the day with a hot beverage? Is there any brand of decaf that tastes good? I might be willing to try it if there was.
Doctor’s orders. Swiss-water process Colombian does it for me.
I may need to investigate. Of course my doctor has no idea how much coffee I drink, lol.
I was having panic attacks, so everything got looked at.
That’s a good reason to decrease the caffeine. I hope it helped, panic attacks are no joke.
So, in the Before Times, I would drink one cup of New Mexico Pinon Coffee (Traditional Blend) with my breakfast before heading to work. Then, I might have another cup or two while at work.
However, now that I can sleep until 7:00, I have juice with my breakfast. I haven’t had a cup of coffee in 7 months. I honestly don’t really like it that much anyway. Blasphemy, I know.
I love the stuff so much I’m genuinely shocked when people tell me they don’t.
I hate the morning. I would sleep til 10 every day if it was acceptable.
I drag myself downstairs every morning and make myself a latte with my Nespresso machine (freaking LOVE that thing). Then I sit in the living room for a while, or take my coffee back upstairs to bed.
Eventually I get going…
Then, when I get to work, I order Dunkin’ to grab on my way in. So I’ll usually have at least one latte, sometimes two a day.
I’m not a morning person either. One of the things I miss about my younger, wilder days is sleeping until the afternoon. Of course then I usually had a massive hangover. But nothing coffee dosed with whiskey couldn’t cure!
i roll out of bed at 5 am and pretty much the first thing i do is make myself a coffee and then take it outside with me for my smoke…sometimes i even get dressed before going outside (other times i just figure fuckit its dark)
anyhoo….i thought coffee and a cigarette was breakfast
i dont really want to eat anything before about noon
Breakfast of champions1
Alarm goes off at 415a. French press, 8 o’clock coffee, 32oz in 2 separate travel mugs. Leave for work at 5, arrive at 545, first cup at 6. Second cup at 745-8.
On the weekend tho, coffee within 10 mins of waking up.
There’s no way in hell I could get moving at 4:15 am without coffee. Who am I kidding, there’s no way in hell I could get moving at 4:15 am with coffee.
When I started working as a baker, and had to get up between 2-3 am, then I learned the utility of coffee. I don’t miss that job at all.
I keep my socks, boxers and work clothes in a dresser I have in my washroom with my wallet/keys, etc. so I can get up 10 minutes before I leave for work to shower, brush my teeth and VIA. Then I make coffee as soon as I get to work. Safe to say I am not much of a morning person.
This is a civilized method. No need to lounge around at home when you could be sleeping.
Goddamned right. I learned when I was a freshman in college how to set everything up the night before so I could sleep as late as possible in the mornings. I was able to fine tune it to the point where I could set my alarm at 7:48 and still be on time for an 8:00 class.
True confessions – I am the most hated of our species, A MORNING PERSON! I wake up wide awake and raring to go! Ready to get the day rolling, am I. The full-tilt caffeine coffee just encourages the issue. Good morning!!!!!
No hate from me, just envy. I wish I was a morning person. Or at least a less unpleasant to be around in the morning person.
i start feeling awake by about 8…pm
i miss the nightshift wake up around 2pm still have half the day to do stuff go to work by 10pm and back in bed by 7 am
bollocks to mornings and daylight…who needs em
Pretty sure you’re broken and need to be sent back to the factory for repair. Is your warranty still in effect?
I gather Keitel avoids you like the plague until 11:00am.
…depending on what the rest of the day has in store the coffee-related portion of my morning (& indeed the breakfast bit) is sort of a moveable feast
…so some days it’s a filter stacked over a travel cup & gravity does the work…some days it’s faffing about with a non-capsule espresso machine…& some days there’s a french press involved…but it’s just about always fresh ground so that much is consistent & in my defense I only have that many different ways of making it because I’ve been gifted them over the years?
French press… very nice.
You can’t have too many ways to get your caffeine. I have two different pots on my counter, and an espresso machine in the cabinet that I haven’t used in a while but may dig out this weekend.