Monday, you’re back at your desk. Maybe you were out of coffee, running late, and have meetings scheduled all day. But remember, it could always be worse. For Paul Templer, a guide on the Zambezi River, a bad work day meant finding himself caught in the jaws of an angry hippo. Surely you can deal with a difficult client or two. In more positive ungulate news, the Cincinnati Zoo has a new baby hippopotamus. They will be releasing the name of Fiona’s adorable little brother today.
It’s my daughter’s birthday. She took the day off and we’re going to brunch. Where I intend to drink mimosas and gobble bacon and eggs like a, well, you get the idea.
Interesting to me, at least, is that there is a coffee gear seller named Rhino. Anyone here have any experience with them?
I’m no help, never even heard of it. 🤷🏻♀️
Any experience with rhinos in general? No. But apparently when you’re on safari in Africa (don’t ask me why I was introduced to this topic only last week) you shouldn’t disturb the rhinos because despite their appearance they can outrun you and they’ll kill you if you get between them and their preferred watering hole or come close to their offspring.
first ive heard of them….seems they are a little more on the handmade fancy coffees side than we are tho
i could ask a sales rep….they probably know of them
Kayaking down a river with hippos? That’s nuts. And I’ve kayaked down rivers with alligators. But they are rarely aggressive. Hippos are terrifying.
The article quotes the guy as saying they stopped a safe distance away to observe them but then he was mauled by a charging hippo, which obviously doesn’t add up.
It’s probably like the roots of the 2008 financial crash. 1/1,000 starts out as safe odds, but once you start factoring in multiple exposures it stops being safe.
I think he went in closer to try to save the other guide. But any seasoned guide should know to give them a wide berth.
I would avoid period. Hippos are mean as fuck.
Except for Jessica the house hippo!
Hippos are fucking badass! They not only don’t take other animals shit, they will actively get involved in other animals shit!
Because they can. Nobody gonna stop a hippo!
I’ve always wanted to go on a photo safari but would definitely be to chicken to kayak with hippos.
Happy birthday to your daughter, have a mimosa for me, please!
Thanks! We had a nice breakfast and too many mimosas. Time for a nap.
Yay! Brunch!
Also I thought hippos were responsible for more deaths than any other animal in Africa because they’re so aggressive. But I don’t recall where I heard that.
You are totally correct!
If I had a castle with a moat, it would be a hippo moat 🦛 🌊 🏰 🌊 🦛
That’s brilliant
I heard that somewhere before too. But I also remember the documentary about the couple with the pet hippo. So I’m choosing to believe I could have one too.
happy birthday to your daughter 🙂
Meanwhile why does Dunkin’ Donuts-loving Ben Affleck have a recreated slave plantation in Riceboro, Georgia, where he is to celebrate his marriage to Jenny from the block? And why is it up for sale?
Somewhat recently Better Half, a Boston native, and I were sitting around and while looking for something to watch he stumbled upon a Ben Affleck movie called The Town. It’s a bank heist/romance (unintentional) comedy (to my mind) set in Boston. Fenway Park is one of the co-stars toward the end. It’s not bad, but a Boston accent, even if it’s badly done, sets my teeth on edge, because BH has friends from the area, and most of them have dropped their accents, but the ones who have retained them are inevitably incurious and tedious to spend time around. This is just my personal experience.
Any plantation event is gross. What the hell are they thinking?
Agreed. But still, the question lingers: why did Ben Affleck,
whose naked ass was the highlight of Behind the Candelabra(sorry, just googled, that was his coeval, Matt Damon, who can tell them apart?) buy a post-Voting Rights Act of 1965 plantation in Riceboro, Georgia? And why would Jenny from the block want anything to do with this?Celebrities: Maybe they’re not just like us, despite what the gossip mags used to reprint from “celebrities”‘ PR flacks.
Happy B-day Hannibal Jr.