It can be a struggle to get through the second half of the day.
It’s been a struggle getting through the last couple of weeks. 2020 was difficult enough then we had the added stress of the election and the shutting down of the Kinja user blogs. And now it’s Monday. Take a break, pour another cup of coffee, and enjoy this video of Jaguar the tortoise playing soccer with Marcel the Daschund.
Got a cute animal video? Share it in the comments.
How about Ozzy Man reviewing animals relaxing?
“I’m in charge of music.”
That’s crazy!
I love OzzyMan. I’ve seen that koala vid before but had to watch it again.
“Just drive!”
That bat is cute and scary at the same time!
Can’t get enough of cat takedowns, but it’s Monday, so….
I’m cracking up in the parking lot of the grocery store. And people are giving me the side eye. 🤣
I’m more of a dog metal guy…
OMG, he’s perfect!
Huskies are pretty metal.
@LemmyKilmister You win, this is hilarious. The cat jumping on the child made me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
Here are a bunch of dogs comforting their bereft humans. Dogs are good.
We really don’t deserve dogs, but I’m glad we’ve got them. 😢
Speaking of coffee, does anyone have a rec for a pour over drip setup that goes directly on top of an insulated mug?
I know someone who just uses a standard Melitta cone but warns that it can spill pretty easily because it’s not exactly matched with the top of the cup.
Ideally it would have a permanent filter too so there is no disposable paper filter.
Thanks for any ideas.
@blue dogcollar
I use a pour-over cone by LeafLoveLife from Amazon. I’ve never had any issues with tipping over, i don’t even see how it could? Very fine mesh, so no need for a paper filter. It should work with any beverage container as long as it’s not bigger than the filter stand.
Take a lid from a Cool Whip container or something. Cut a hole in the middle of it and rest the Melitta cone on that.
Off-topic but the kinja sub-blogs are now gone. Just before noon I started writing a reply to one of my comments on GroupThink and by the time I posted it I got a message saying “This blog is no longer supported.” So they pulled the plug at noon Eastern time.
I think we’ll be seeing a lot more new faces over here.
It’s a sad day.
Hey, can we have a special thread to commiserate over the demise of it? I sort of feel like we’re thread-jacking here, and besides, there’re probably a handful of people here who don’t know what the fuck we’re on about.
Done…if it isn’t edited by someone into at least something that resembles an actual post by the time I get home I will edit it in the evening.
A commiseration post is a great idea. But I don’t mind people talking about it here.
Yep, I was able to see my notifications in GroupThink but then those were gone too. 🙁
I can still see the notifications from GT but all of my “saved articles” are gone!!!!!!?????
We’re gonna need more animal videos.
Yep. I checked in around 9 and it was there, and then just now and it was gone. I was still able to see my notifications, but clicking them just resulted in an error. It’s a sad day. We had some fun there last night with the reminiscing post. Man, we’ve had some serious fun AND drama over there over the past decade. And some epic commenter bans and flounces.
I’m glad to have found you bunch though.
My very last GT stars were from Perdida, HoneyHeart and Meh-zuzah…can’t complain there!
I’m glad the community will survive throughout the various life rafts.
We’re glad you’re here.
Even this morning I was thinking maybe it won’t happen. Herbs suck.
Medical professional lays out another rich dipshit.
Doctor Calls Elon Musk “Space Karen” For Spreading Misinformation About COVID Testing
Of course he is. That picture of him with the karen haircut is brilliant!