It can be a struggle to get through the second half of the day.
It’s Monday again. A Monday during 2020. Could it be any worse? Yes, it could. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the worst year ever. According to historian Michael McCormick, that dubious honor goes to 536. Fog caused by a volcanic eruption blanketed Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, resulting in 18 months of darkness. Temperatures fell, crops failed, leading to widespread famine. Those lucky enough to survive faced the Bubonic Plague in 541, which killed 100,000,000 people. But not to worry, the Late Antique Little Ice Age ended in Europe around 660.
This is just a little rough patch. Things should start picking up in more or less 100 years. Have a great Monday!
Well that was… inspiring.
Lol, I’m just a little ray of sunshine!
Of course you are!
tbh…way my monday is going..bubonic plague sounds good…ill take 2
Monday’s suck. I hope things get better.
eh they’ll get better…eventually
but it looks like im really going to have to accept that farscy is going to be a single agent again
on the upside i told a mediator to go fuck herself…that was fun
(farscy gets a little bit annoyed when people tell me about plans i made for the future that i didnt make..or even know about)
@Farscythe hang in there…
aye aye captain babs 🙂
Maybe the mediator will get Bubonic plague. We can hope.
eh… tbh… i dont really blame her… i know shes trained to make everything sound like we plans
that said… go fuck yourself..i didnt sign off on any of this we shit
far as im concerned ive got 2 options…i can make this really really difficult… or just go with it
dont pretend any of it was my idea
(i dont intend to make this shit harder than it needs to be btw)
I didn’t think you would, you don’t seem like that guy.
sorry Farsy! Hang in there. I feel ya!
preciate that 🙂
My theme song:
That’s a very Monday song.
farscy music moment
us video:
Ozzy Man meets Uncle Roger!
Ozzy Man & Uncle Roger Review: Cooking Fails
Uncle Roger Review COOKING FAILS ft. Ozzy Man (Extended Edition)
Well, I feel better about my cooking skills now!
oops, I forgot to mention the 2nd video has a minute of bloopers at the end
Men, come and get your gender.
Geezus, what the hell? “I’m just horny for elections”?