Coffee Break [19/9/22]

Your mid morning pick me up

It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I probably won’t be shouting “ahoy matey” at my neighbors. But I might splash a little rum in my coffee, listen to some shanties, and watch the greatest pirate movie ever made, Muppet Treasure Island.

What are you scoundrels up to this Monday morning?



  1. Arrrrr, that reminds me of this pirate themed card game. We used to play it as a drinking game (of course). The best part was when the “speak like a pirate” card came up. Under penalty of walking the plank drinking we all turned into potty mouthed pirates for the rest of the game.

  2. That would be a perfect game for today. If it wasn’t a Monday.
    There used to be a lot of freebies if you talked and/or dressed like a pirate. But I just checked and the only thing I can find is a free fish with purchase at Long John Silver’s. And even that says participating restaurants only.

  3. International Talk Like a Pirate Day should be more accurately known as Talk Like Someone From England’s Southwest Day. Pirates talk like that because that’s where they were from (mostly) and if you go to Somerset or Cornwall you can still find people who talk like pirates quite un-self-consciously. Getting a person from Somerset to say “Somerset” is fun. Summmmmerrrrr-set. IIRC, Cornwall comes out more like “Kern-waaaahl.” But beware: if you try to talk like a pirate while in the Southwest the locals will think you’re making fun of them and they can get very angry.

    • It’s more than just an accent though, all sub groups have their own lingo. I’m sure they used a lot of nautical terms that made their way into their everyday speech.

  4. Every year Seattle has a big summer festival with an opening highlight being the pirates coming ashore.  It’s a good time & the pirates show up at events all over the state all summer.

    Wife’s going plant shopping with her buddy today so I will have to speak pirate to myself for awhile.

      • We had a lot of “grog” last night.  I had to stop my wife & her friend as they were ripping on her husband.  He is supposed to be retired but can’t say no to people asking him to fix things or build things.  I get caught up in much of these projects too.  He pays me well when I help but he is in his late 70’s and crawling under houses to jack them up is not something he should be doing (just one recent example or a stupid project!)  Now he is overwhelmed by how many jobs he has lined up & the wives were not accepting that!  We are supposed to go out to dinner with them tonight but I feel really bad & told my wife she needs to apologize.

    • I haven’t been around much so I missed that you were having surgery. I hope you make a quick and complete recovery. And if you can milk it for a few extra days or at least some light duty you deserve all the time you need to heal.


      • Thank you! It’s been a super easy recovery – never took anything stronger than ibuprofen. Like both times I had covid I felt worse than this surgery. Good news is I can’t lift more than 15 lbs for 2 weeks so this week and next oh no oh darn I have to work from home. Between laptop, purse, and lunch bag I’m totally at more than 15 lbs.

  5. Being Monday and 1st day of day shift, I’ve been going “arrrrrh arrrrrh arrrrrh” all day but not because it is “Talk Like A Pirate Day.”

    This occurs every Monday and 1st day of day shift.  It is my normal reaction.

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