Coffee Break [24/5/21]

Your mid-morning pick me up.

Mondays suck, but I’ve heard that having a positive attitude can help get you through the day and increase productivity. Of course, I usually heard that from a supervisor who was trying to make my life worse. But I want you to have a good day, so here’s a story that will hopefully brighten your outlook.

A dozen endangered red wolf pups were born at the North Carolina Zoo. Canis rufus is the most endangered wolf in the world. According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife, only 20 red wolves remain in the wild. Breeding programs are critical to the survival of the species. Welcome to the world, wee puppers!

I like to imagine this little Gray wolf in Minnesota is howling a greeting to his southern cousins.

Talk about your morning, wolves, positivity, talk about anything you want.



    • I was in Chicago once and watched a rat wait on a street corner for the light to change, and then run across. I snapped a picture of the rat, but should have shot video.
      Like rats, coyotes are extremely adaptable, breed quickly, and are virtually invisible. They’re like the ninjas of the animal kingdom. They’ve spread through Florida largely because they love golf courses. I live near a golf course (now abandoned and awaiting redevelopment) and there have been reports of them there. When I used to walk my daughter to the bus stop at 5:30 am, you would very occasionally hear one yipping way off in the distance. But you have to work to see one. It’s mostly people catching them on security cameras. 

      • We have them here in Stone Mountain, GA – in the park and in the village. They snatch a lot of cats and small dogs. My sister’s boss was in her back yard with her beagle and lab one day and a coyote just came out of nowhere and snatched the beagle. She said it happened so fast that it took her a moment to realize what was happening. She unfortunately didn’t get her beagle back. Ever since then, my dogs aren’t allowed to be in the back yard without someone there. A few years ago, I had to chase one out of my front yard. I usually walk the dogs with a can full of coins to throw at the coyotes or an umbrella. 
        I don’t want them to get my dogs, but you have to learn to live with them.
        And, since I’m bombarding the thread with my favorite animal rescues – here’s Dakota Coyote at SaveAFox.

      • There have been a few coyote sightings in town here. And as you pointed out they’re pretty stealthy. So if a few have been seen, there are a lot more that haven’t. 

  1. im actually having a rough time of it today
    thats mostly coz im starting to sober up and havent been to bed since friday tho….

    i am getting too old for this shit…

    • @farscythe Sorry it’s a tough day. I don’t recuperate as quickly as I once did either. But I always forget that and make the same mistake. Maybe carbs and a good night’s sleep will make for a better Tuesday.

      • carbs and a good nights sounds smart…
        i’ll be doing exactly not that
        i figures a couple beers should have me feeling right as rain again
        or…possibly just a glutton for punishment….anyways…all the shit on youtube aint gonna watch itself and i figure being half dead wont make me workday less fucking sucky tomorow
        (that made less sense than i thought it did before typing it)

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