TIL that capybaras and crocodiles are friends! It turns out that the large rodents are popular with all animals.
And I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time watching videos of the most likable creature in the world.
What’s up with you, Deadsplinters?
No good can come of a capybara/crocodile alliance.
I for one look forward to our capybara/crocodile overlords.
As do I.
I don’t know, they seem to live in harmony in the wild. One theory I read is that capys are a good warning system since they are both preyed on by jaguars. Not sure I’d trust the alliance in captivity.
This seems like an appropriate Coffee Break topic. Shitty racist writer of shitty workplace comic strip pays the price for his shitty racism:
Newspapers drop Scott Adams ‘Dilbert’ strip over his ugly racist rant
And of course this asshole takes Adams’ side. How anyone could believe this fucker was a liberal is beyond me.
Musk defends ‘Dilbert’ creator, says media is ‘racist against whites’
Anyone Musk defends is on the wrong side. Although in this case there was never any doubt. Scott Adams has always been a right wing nut job.
Agree. On all counts. Adams was mildly funny 25 years ago, but the strip got increasingly misogynistic, reactionary, and worker-unfriendly (it started with bosses being stupid but now pretty much everyone but Dilbert is lazy and worthless). I scanned it because my paper still carried it (they announced today they are dropping it immediately), and it’s gotten steadily more creepy as Adams has gotten steadily more creepy. It’s no loss.
Who knew the raised in apartheid South Africa son of an oligarch billionaire would be a reactionary racist asshole?
Yes, but do you like them as much as THIS guy?
I remember seeing them in Brazil & being shocked that they got as big as pigs.
So what you’re saying is they aren’t friends, it’s just that, like hippos, capybaras are too big for the crocodiles to fuck with? Sounds about right.
Maybe the crocs have seen The Princess Bride and are afraid of them.
I’d love to have one as a pet! ❤️
You need a big yard — they poop something like five pounds a day.
Big animal, big poop! I wonder if I could take it to the dog park? Someone use to bring a pig and it played with the dogs. I was never lucky enough to be there but heard about it from other people.
I know we’re all about love for our furry creatures, but I have to tell you, groundhogs are some major assholes. In theory, they’re fine, but in practice, they suck.
And so hard to get rid of once they make themselves at home.
I’m here for the squirrels?
Is that a squirrel catapult? Lol.
Hey was perusing this at work and holy fuck was it surprising how strong the results were.
Yikes! I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners but I have used this. I will not be anymore. Thanks for the info.
Yeah it’s in a few things in my pantry. That I won’t be repurchasing.
Also makes me wonder if some percentage of the COVID blood clots were people at already elevated risk from consuming this.
Well, shit, that’s not good news here at MemeWeaver Labs.
Hmm, that’s a thought.
I don’t mean that like COVID wouldn’t have caused clots anyways, just wondering if it was exacerbated by some of the “diet” foods that people are consuming who also were higher risk already due to size.
I understood, but it could be a contributing factor.