Spending more on groceries, rising costs at the pump making your commute more irritating than usual, got the inflation blues? Don’t worry, Deadsplinters. I have the solution for one of you. Simply wearing your hair in a certain 80’s style and blogging about your coiffure journey can land you up to $12,000. And strike a blow against injustice. I’m talking about mullet discrimination, and those may be the whitest words I’ve ever typed. Interested candidates can learn more at Rooftop Squad. Who’s ready to channel their inner Joe Dirt?
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My wife would change the locks on me if I had a mullet!
Sorry, Hann, but I’m with Loveshaq – and the late, great Wesley Willis – on this one:
Yeah, I’m not applying, lol.
I was actually contemplating going to the office today just so I could get me some Dunkin’.
Then I realized it was 36 degrees out and well, let’s just say I’m not leaving my house today.
Maybe one of you smart people can help me with this while you drink your coffee:
I have this other phone here, it’s an iphone IDK 7? and it’s got some ‘company portal’ (It’s a microsoft product from Intune) on it that I can’t get past. I’m guessing this is either something he found or had worked around it. but when I restore it I can only get to that app/screen and it won’t let me anywhere else.
What does the hive brain think?!?
I almost replied to you when you mentioned the corporate donut run in today’s DOT. When I took Faithful Hound out for his predawn Neighborhood Surveil it was a brisk 22° and was going to advise against it.
I called the number on the phone for the remote company and the guy told me to take it to Verizon. He said it’s probably flagged as lost so they might be able to reset it for me.
Have coffee and donuts delivered. Tech is not my strong suit, hopefully someone can help you.
[logs on to Doordash]
When Florence Henderson, Mrs. Carol Brady, was rocking a mullet circa 1970 it was called a “shag” haircut. I bet that popular style was called something different in Britain. Or maybe not.
That is a pretty wacky list there but I can agree the show jumped the shark when they brought in Cousin Oliver. The bigger takeaway from that for me is how many awful story-lines that show had.
We had three networks. The reason there was so much awful television is because there was literally no competition. Now there is a certain nostalgic cheesiness that has a modicum of appeal after all these years, but yeah, you watch one and you realize that show couldn’t get greenlit on Nickolodeon now. (Nick has actually had some very solid original programming over the years.)
There’s a version for women called the lion cut that’s big now. It’s sort of a mullet with bangs. The horror!
I don’t want to offend any Deadsplinters who may be rock in’ and Lion cut. There are some cute styles, the shaggier, less mullet like ones. Even the more extreme ones can look good on the right person willing to go crazy with shaved sides and wild colors. Just not me.
Everyone wants this haircut right now.
I know! I have seen really cute versions but some pretty mullet like ones too. The pic I showed was sort of in between.
I have a client that comes in every 5 weeks to get her mullet shaped up lol 🙄
To each his own, lol
I know a hairstylist who called it the “rock star” a la Joan Jett.
It was a different time. We didn’t know any better, lol
If you need something nice to go with your coffee (and donuts?) today, the cherry blossoms (and my allergies) are going off in Seattle!
Holy hell, the tree pollen here right now….
Right? My car is yellow right now. We had a window washer guy give us a bid to do all our windows and solar panels & they said to wait until at least mid June or the pollen would just destroy all the work they did within a week.
The most common sidewalk tree in NYC is the London planetree. They were purposely planted because apparently they are nearly indestructible. One of the elements of their hardiness is that their roots are very strong so they tend to buckle and break sidewalks as they grow, they snap underground power lines and sewer pipes, oops! That’s why a lot of NYC sidewalks look like we’ve just had a mag 4 or so earthquake.
Not where I live though. We are #blessed with magnolia trees, planted when this neck of the woods was developed to lure Manhattanites north to quieter, more gracious environs. They are the bane of my existence. Some of them are now these giant four-, six-, eight-story high colossi, and after their brief blooming period the air is thick with allergens.
I had a mullet back in the 80s! I stand with the mullet crowd!
No, I actually don’t. They’re on their own.
You live in Florida, you were obligated to have one then.
It’s true. It was required.
Business up in the front, Party in the back.
Hockey and mullets go together like love and marriage.
Devin Nunes and Bud Bundy
Devin Nunes was born October 1, 1973. So he looked like that…in what, 1990? Is that a high school graduation photo?
Wait, I take it back, I’m misremembering that period. He has a modified Seinfeld.
I thought there was no way Devin Nunes could be any more repulsive. I was wrong.