Not all bosses suck. David Stevens, is showing his appreciation for the 10,000 plus employees of Wales-based Admiral Group. Stevens, retiring from the company he founded with his wife Heather, is giving almost $13,000,000 in bonuses as a parting gift. Full time employees will each receive $1270, and part time workers $650.
“Saying thank you to all Admiral staff in this way is the right thing to do.” We’re “proud and fortunate to have worked with a such a special group of people.”
I hope your boss treats you well today.
My boss just left for work. She doesn’t pay all that well, you would think sleeping with the boss would help me get payed better but it is a nice benefit. The guy I am currently working with doesn’t quite get that I need to get back my Covid test before I work with him again so as not to kill him!
From past comments you’ve made about your boss, I think maybe she deserves the Best Boss Ever mug. She sounds like a smart, strong, loving partner.
That coworker ugh, trying not to kill him makes you want to kill him!
Just heard back & we are all Covid free, so far! Yay!
My bosses are pretty hands-off right now, which is all I really want. I could lay into the short-comings with regards to pay, promotions, etc. But right now I just want to be allowed to do my work.
Sometimes being left alone is the best treatment of all. Micromanagers are the worst!
My boss is an absolute fucking dingbat. We’re pretty sure she has either Alzheimer’s or a thought disorder.
I hope that like MemeWeaver’s boss she’s leaving you to get your work done. And not inflicting her neurological problems on you and your productivity.
you know…i dont actually remember my current bosses name
weve had a couple chats but mostly i see suits on the floor and get scarce
im like a work ninja…been there for over a year now and most people in the office still dont know who i am
see suits on the floor and get scarce
Nice strategy!
It’s Yom Kippur so my boss is not in the office and his hopefully atoning for all his sins.
Only to commit them all over again, no doubt.
I’ve really lucked out, in more ways than one, with my new position. The boss situation has been a vast improvement over the last three I’ve had at this company. The first one had no business managing literally anyone, and had even been sent to anger management before my tenure there (at one year in the job I became the all time record holder for working in that position, and I stayed for two, which should say a lot). The second boss was a straight up psychopath who would say one thing and then LITERALLY FIVE MINUTES LATER would deny having ever said the first thing and would insist she said the complete opposite. She also took turns targeting people and when you were in the crosshairs you stayed there for at least a year. Needless to say most people didn’t last that long and there was a lot of turnover. The third boss wasn’t terrible but wasn’t exactly great either. Mostly I didn’t trust that one because they poisoned the well when I came aboard. However, my current boss is one of the best I’ve ever had. Supportive, understanding, looking out for ways to help us advance, lets us do our jobs, but is always available if we need help. Even-keeled. I hope this one sticks around for a long time.
I hope so too, a really good boss is a rarity.