Hi friends! I experienced technical difficulties and couldn’t log in for a few days. And I also experienced techncial difficulties at work and had zero fucks to give at night, too.
It’s been a while, let’s have a complaints post. Things you’re annoyed with, things you think you’re going to be annoyed with when it happens, idiots, inanimate objects that have you pissed off, really… anything goes.
FUCK! That would be my fault for being MIA lately. It should be fixed now.
EVERYONE…if ANY of you EVER experience such an issue, or any other issue, PLEASE email admin@deadsplinter.com to let me know…I could have fixed this three days ago.
I have deprived everyone of the NOT for three days.
The weather fucking sucks
It’s been raining for a few days, and after staying above freezing for a few weeks, we’re dropping below freezing tonight and tomorrow night.
MY PLANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put frost blankies on the 2 groups of planters and pushed them against the house so they’ll pick up some radiant heat, but I am worried my babies will not make it and I’ll have to find more lettuce and spinach and pak choi. Although that pak choi is very cabbage-y so far so I suspect it’s the hardiest of the three for frost risk.
It’s dropping down to the low 30s here tomorrow too. I’m not happy about it.
I should admit… I also planted my stuff about 3-4 weeks early because the last few years we’ve not had a real freeze once March rolled around (thanks, climate change!) so it seemed like decent odds especially since if they survive the next few days okay, I’ll have fresh lettuce for salads in about 2 weeks.
Another fucking complaint
And on this one, I knew better. I waded into a facebook argument on a friend’s page that “well if those women had been armed, it would be 1 man dead instead of 8 women” to which I was like ohhhh okay so women should have to arm themselves and plan to kill men because men can’t regulate their emotions? Wasn’t he just having a bad day????? Women don’t go on murder sprees when they get upset, so why should we have to be responsible for the men here?
It’s a special type of morally broken person who thinks the solution to predatory violence is for everyone to be armed to the teeth and ready to kill everyone at the drop of a hat, 24/7. That’s certainly a healthy way to live…
and it’s also a really fucked up version of victim blaming
Also, how’d that work out for Philando Castile and Breonna Taylor?
I have several complaints that actually have nothing to do with my several MORE complaints about US politics but it’d lead to a lengthy incoherent Canadian rant about shit none of you would care about.
I can sum it up by saying:
“Dear idiots,
Meghan Markle cannot re-write the BNA Act. Nor does she have the time to mediate YEARS and YEARS of debates, as an American, in Canada through legislative process. Although she MIGHT still have access to the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars that removing the Crown from our government would require, she has no incentive to spend it on your ‘duuuuh…we should just keep everything the same as it is but just drop the monarchy’ even if your uneducated take were as simple as you think it is. Not to mention the issues it would cause regarding treaties with those from whom we stole this land. Oprah doesn’t give the first fuck about ceremonial Crown representation in Canada vs. actual independence, either.
Should Canada EVENTUALLY and GRADUALLY work toward removing the Crown by ensuring decent and honest (lol) politicians – in both the federal government and the 10 provinces – are the ones voting on all of the measures addressed in the constitution without one possible mistake there-within that could possibly lead to, IDK, an insurrection?
Probably, yes.
Should Canada be focused on it right now, with a minority federal government, during the crisis that is a GLOBAL FUCKING PANDEMIC because you watched an Oprah Winfrey interview that FINALLY brought your attention to something you’ve never really thought about before and now FINALLY realised the monarchy is archaic and were never anything more than an extremely powerful piece of shit?
and for all you butt-hurt trump-humpers in Alberta commenting on EVERY CBC post (and who won’t even see this comment)…the only elected officials are in the house…the PM appoints members to the senate. You fucking idiots!
*takes breath*
k, I’m done.
I forget that Canada is even part of the Commonwealth. Did I get the name right? Faux-empire is Commonwealth, right?
Honestly I thought it was kind of an honorary thing and didn’t realize there were legal and legislative implications.
The Cons are going into a big ass fight between the bible thumpers and money bags like the GOPers and the Con leader is in a world of shit because neither side trusts him.
Yeah…like IDK how many times the party has to vote against, even a discussion, the “pro-life” ideology being re-introduced to their platform…but I am glad they have, AGAIN.
…but I have no faith in Canadumb not Canadumbing. I reside in a riding whose constituents are BIG MAD that “brown people from Brampton are taking over our neighbourhoods.”
Also, IDK if it’s a good thing that a lot of those who call Erin O’Toole “Erin the Tool” are doing so for ALL THE WRONG REASONS.
Remove the Crown but everything else samesies is the same thinking that got some people Brexit.
…& by all accounts that’s working out just swell
A refinance to cut five years off our payment timeline, which should have only taken a couple of months, took seven. We finally closed on it this week after a BUNCH of BS.
Which, objectively, is good news. But, we still have to deal with the failed cesspool (which we couldn’t do anything about for the last five fucking months because the refinance was in a black hole) which will cost at least 30k, AND part of our house is sinking, which will require jacking up which likewise won’t be cheap. Oh, and none of that shit is covered by insurance.
Foundation shit is the worst. So expensive, so necessary, so invisible for feeling like spending your money on something.
I’m looking forward to spending several thousand dollars in the next few years to have carbon fiber straps shoved into my west foundation wall because it’s slowly collapsing inwards. And I’m fucking excited because it’s only gonna be several thousand dollars and not tens of thousands of dollars.
Hello, @brightersideoflife, I missed you and was starting to fret! Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties, happy to see you tonight!
Today was fourth Monday for me, started work at 5:30 am and ended at 4:00 pm, cooked dinner, then back for another hour, plus continued triage on Slack. Meetings are such a productivity killer, I had four today, so thought an early start would save me…but noooo, the European contingent was all working and very talkative.
Also, the ENT has me on a high dose steroid load and antibiotic, which isn’t fun.
And, of the 86,000 people who signed up for the vaccine locally, appointments are being drawn by lottery. They did 500 persons the first day…are now up to 1,000 a day after one week. Keitel was, of course, drawn for day one, first thing in the morning. And I am relieved and happy for him. But I figure I will be person 85,999.
I bet you are sorry that you asked! (Keitel say hello and that he has nothing to complain about…good answer, considering my current lovely mood 😜😱.)
Oh your day sounds atrocious
Okay, this is petty but irritating as fuck. My mom died back in August. Ever since, we’ve been getting a bill for $15 for wheelchair rental. Every couple of weeks, another letter. $15 for wheelchair rental.
Yes, I should probably just pay the fucking thing, but it’s not my wheelchair and it’s not actually my bill. It just comes to me because they got my address from the nursing home. So now I’m just being stubborn, but I am NOT PAYING THAT BILL. But here it comes, every couple of weeks.
The even more irritating thing is that it costs about $15 on average to mail an invoice:
So assuming one bill per month (I swear it comes more often) they’ve spent at least $105 trying to collect $15 from a woman who died seven months ago. And they know she’s dead. They’re just trying to shake me down for $15 for a debt that they know is not mine. Holy fuck, it pisses me off.
Oh, yes, it’s also for wheelchair rental. They got the fucking wheelchair back and someone else is using it.
I’d tell them what I said to a collection agency that tried to get me to pay for a medical bill that was actually covered by worker’s compensation: “fuck you. Prove that I owe this money. If you can’t prove it then I will have grounds to sue your asses for harassment and defamation of character. I will own you fuckers for your $15 bill. “
I never heard from them again.
Oh I’m the kind of petty asshole that would just let them keep wasting money on that asinine invoice situation. I would be doing the exact same thing as you here!
The only thing I hate about my MacBook Pro is the internal battery. It apparently bulges out when fucked up which it did sometime this fucking week.
Now I’m stuck 3-5 days without a computer and a zoom interview looming on Thurs.
I can’t push this off because fire hazard.
Also, can I whine about my stock portfolio because no else will give a shit? FUCK. That is all.
Same thing happened to my work Dell. It was bulging so much it was splitting open the casing. Dell sent a replacement battery after my IT department jacked them up.
i still havent won the lottery…im beginning to think the game is rigged yo!
other than that…ummm…well..no new complaints i guess
beginning to think the only way im ever getting out of this house is if i decide to have a fuck you guys im out moment and just leave…as the missus is not showing any signs of getting herself a job anytime soon….and you kinda need one of those to get a house here
tho she has floated the idea that i should be her guarantor or whatever so she can get a rental without a job
wich was met with a hearty
Why can’t we have nice things? And why is this the first time I’m reading about this?…so glad it’s not the guy who plays Amos.
…yeah…it was disappointing, for sure…& I don’t want to get into spoiler territory but I do believe they’re currently filming a series he won’t be appearing in?
…it’s kind of a niche complaint…& I expect largely would require a lot of explaining not to seem a tad incomprehensible…but I listen to a lot of BBC radio stuff…& in many respects I’d argue the BBC does a pretty good job…but overnight I seemed to hear a lot of pointed references to the fact that (in an almost laughably predictable manner) scottish conservatives (who are practically an endangered species) have jumped the gun on the release of a report into a recent inquiry about the handling of abuse allegations relating to alec salmond by claiming that nicola sturgeon misled the scottish parliament and ought to resign
…it’s not by any means impossible that to some extent the misleading part might be true…the whole thing put her in a delicate position given that they used to be very much associated with one another & it wouldn’t be a big surprise if the party had tried to play down the avenues by which the fallout of those accusations could spread to damage the party or its leader by association…he may have been “cleared” but to have been accused of upwards of a dozen counts of a variety of sexual offenses paints a pretty ugly picture
…she, on the other hand, had no part in those…but is the leader of a party which at its heart has been pushing for independence since its inception…& to say that the conservatives (both sides of the scottish border) stand to gain a great deal if they can topple her would be an understatement of truly british proportions…so for the BBC to be pushing for answers to questions that are framed to stress a narrative that makes the question of her resignation the focus of their coverage based on a partisan line in advance of the report itself being released seems explicitly partisan in & of itself
…I think I’d be pretty sorry to see the breakup of the UK…so in that respect I guess I’m not a wholesale supporter of the SNP’s platform…but compare nicola sturgeon’s time in office to the various tory prime ministers that have been in charge during that time & she certainly looks like someone with less grounds for resignation than any of them
…so I guess my complaint is neither new nor original…but I do wish there were more places to get coverage of current events that didn’t seem to be trying to push dubious narratives…& I know the BBC isn’t immune to that sort of thing…but…I think it ought to know better…& be better…so quite honestly that particular bit of pushing for a soundbite apparently desired for its ability to make the position of a leader whose popularity has been widespread play as threatened or tenuous is a level of bias that I think is damaging in a variety of ways that have nothing to do with either nicola sturgeon or alec salmond & everything to do with an unwillingness to admit that the asset she represents to the independence movement is one that threatens the union…rather than acknowledge that what’s really threatened the union has very much more to do with the conservative party in general & the english part of it in particular
To borrow a line from @ManchuCandidate
“Seems fishy to me.”
Another facebook complaint here. I joined a facebook knitting group, aside from my own, none of the posts are about knitting. FFS, I want to talk about knitting, I want to look at other people’s knitting and I want to brainstorm knitting problems with knitters.