What a week it has been. I thought a little lightheartedness was in order. Lets go back to Iran-Contra and an indifferent government towards the AIDS epidemic the feel good times of the 80’s. Hit me with your teasing brush, crimping iron, and extra hold hairspray.
Thanks for coming around.
Cinderella gets my vote
Vixen – Edge Of A Broken Heart
Okay but
Even better!
If I can deviate a little bit, let Peter Frampton show you the way. It’s from 1975, but it’s such a joyful song. And the hair is nonpareil. I have such great memories of this song. In fact, one of the happiest occasions of my life occurred after a really fun extended weekend in LA. We were driving to Palm Springs, and somewhere around San Bernardino this came on. I cranked it as far as the rental car radio would go and sang along at top volume. No traffic, clear day (it always is in the desert, when there’s no smog or fires), we were going at least 75, windows open, it was just perfect.
Cousin Matthew, I’m gonna leave this link here, because you sent me down a pretty neat little rabbit-hole, since Frampton was using the Talk Box in that song & video–Bob Heil, the man who invented the one that Frampton (and Richie!) used is a pretty FASCINATING dude!😉
He got his start as a Mighty Wurlitzer player, and…. the dude was SELF-TAUGHT, and is responsible for some of the COOLEST damn parts of SO much classic rock😁🤗😃💖
In all honesty, his story would be a FASCINATING book, or movie, if it was done properly!💗
Here is some Wham, before George Michael broke away to Freedom 90…
His haircut, the “Modified Di,” was completely fabulous.
He was just PRETTY, and I COMPLETELY understand now** why sooooooo many of the women & girls i knew back in the 80’s had MASSIVE crushes on him, and why all the teenaged boys were SO jealous of him, for all the attention!😉😆🤣💖
(**i was too young to quite understand the fascination at the time, as a young tween–Wham, Bananarama, and that sort of sound just wasn’t “my music”… but as an adult, and someone who loves art & photography, I can DEFINITELY agree, that he was quite literally a BEAUTIFUL subject for pictures–and when you combine that with the WHOLE rest of him–i can definitely *now* understand the appeal😉😁💖)
Oh to be 22, hammered, and watching Headbangers Ball in the middle of the night again.
I agree. My version was 120 minutes.
To stay on topic, Van Halen’s “Panama,” 1984. RIP Eddie.
I’m not sure if Emmer will be able to find a “Jovi” for this one.
A perennial favorite here at DUNA:
Well, if we’re talking about that kind of 80s hair we would be remiss…
@MatthewCrawley, Keitel said “This is a set-up, Mattie will have a bunch of good stuff”. And you didn’t disappoint!
Ratt – Round and Round
Dokken – Dream Warriors
Winger – Seventeen
…not sure if they qualify as a “proper” hair band but my first thought was aerosmith?
…well, really that was a second thought technically…my first thought about aerosmith is generally this one
…but on balance I think they must be a true hair band…how else would we wind up with this?
My all-time favorite 80’s hair band was from the 1970s.
Rock You Like A Hurricane- Scorpions
omg also I found this.
We’re Tommy and Gina.
What the idiots on the Capital were probably singing
At the end, what the Capitol Critters are going to wailing for a long time.
Unofficial song of Queen’s Engineering from 1983-1990.
One of the most universal headbanger songs ever in my experience. I have heard this played at various clubs in Toronto despite the fact the club was playing dance, techno, reggae or even country & western.
Big 80s hair wasn’t just the guys.
Here is Santa Cruz, a modern Finnish Hair Metal band with Wasted and Wounded
They seem to have some issues —
Poison was quite possibly the apotheosis of the 80s hair band.
They really WERE!
And they were also the very first band I got to see a music video by, so you can imagine my (rural, midwestern😆😂🤣🤣🤣) confusion a few YEARS afterward, when I learned that they didn’t, in fact, have ANY girls in their band, and were, in fact, an all MALE band😉🤣💖
Iirc, this was the first video I saw… and, if you understand that *the mullet* was as long as any males in my community wore their hair–but that the women had huge, ratted-to-the-heavens hair like Brett, Cecelia, and the rest of the boys–and that NO guys up there ever wore makeup…
Well, I think you’d probably understand why I made that mistake😉
Aaaack!!! C.C.–not Cecelia!😖😖😖
For anyone whose ’80s hair associations are also a bit neo-goth or new romantic:
The Cure, “Just Like Heaven”
Spandau Ballet, “To Cut A Long Story Short”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE2sCISQmpE
Dagnabit, I keep screwing up on formatting.
Spandau Ballet, “To Cut A Long Story Short”
…don’t know why it should be that which reminds me but it feels like somewhere in this list there should have been an appearance by this lady?
I can’t let this topic go. This is not so much for the hair, although it is very 80s, as for the superb choreography. Do you know how many younger French people I met in the 80s who were convinced that Samantha Fox is French? It was a very strange quirk in the French character. I’d love to know how this idea took hold.
Of COURSE there are Jovis for this one😉😆🤣
From the era when Alec was still in the band–and surprisingly, Tico’s hair was bigger than Dave’s🤣
Jon, solo;
The era–and honestly, probably the video, that had at least *half* the girls i knew in love with Sebastian Bach, “Because he’s sooooooo pretty!” (and let’s be honest, he really IS pretty in this one!)
The era of GnR, with the *most iconic* hair–Axl with the gorgeous long, straight hair, and every else rockin’ the backcombed hugeness, with Slash being ironically Slash, and all “hair over the face”;
HOW do we not have these two ladies up here yet?!?!???
This hair is ICONIC (As are those LEGS!😉😁);
And this (Gasp!!! SCANDALOUS!!!🤣🤣🤣) video;
Slash being *iconically* slash…
Stoopid autocorrect!!!🙃
Also, EXCELLENT point made by my roommate–
Another absolutely iconic, and completely groundbreaking hairstyle, which blew so many minds, because of it’s sheer opposition to the “popular hair” of the era–particularly for a woman😉😃😁🤗