Deadsplinter Up! All Night: A Little Help From My Friends

Lend me your ears and I’ll ask you to write music posts. Do you have a favorite album from an artist (War by U2) that you want to tell us all about? How about a concert that you went to that was amazing and want to humble brag about? Do you want to debate the best Beatles album (Rubber Soul). Let us know. I always liked to consider myself a music snob. Then I met everyone from DUAN and realized I don’t know shit. I would never have had an appreciation for The Allman Brothers if it wasn’t for Luv or Hawaiian music from Loveshaq. I am not a natural writer so this kind of stuff is like pulling teeth for me. I did a Dollar Bin Days post that took me over two weeks. If I had to do the daily thread my brain would fall out of my head. If we can get some people to do one post a month we would be set. I realize we all have busy lives but if you want to contribute we would love to hear from you. Send me a private message if you are interested. I am internet challenged during the day eastern standard time but I promise to respond. Enough of my word salad. Thank you for your support of Deadsplinter.



  1. Keitel, you have done a wonderful job in coordinating the DUAN posts, and you also write very well. I feel that your strength in writing is expressing how you think or feel about a specific song or band, and it all becomes very vivid to the reader.

    But you do carry too much of the load so we all do need to pitch in and reduce the number of nights that you get us rolling.

    And with that, I will post a great old song by The Moments, who would later change their name to Ray, Goodman & Brown.

  2. Excellent idea! And it would be great to get some volunteers for it. As all of you know by now, the very last thing I am is a writer so I would like to take this time to humbly brag (again) that I am going to see Honeymoon Suite in a couple weeks. I’ve never seen them live before…because I played “Burning in Love” recently on DUAN, I guess I have to choose another song…and one that follows the theme:

    …just kidding.

    Here is the original version:

    Joking aside…Stay In The Light by Honeymoon Suite:

  3. I think you’ve done a bang up job! All you people here are way more hip music wise than I could ever be. All my music pretty much comes from an IPOD that I haven’t loaded anything new to – since around 2012. I’m afraid that if I got on the internet with the old computer that holds the iPod’s iTunes – it would give me the coronavirus.

  4. I think I was going to go another way…but instead of spending ages trying to decide which levellers tune might serve (on the grounds that I’m guessing that would have been new to some folks) I’m taking the easy out on the solidarity thing…

  5. All of the current DUAN hosts are much better writers than I am, with incredible music knowledge. I’m not sure I’m up for the task. But I’ll pm you with some questions.

    My selection this week is a song I’m currently obsessed with. I’ve been a fan of this guy for a while and I’m so excited for the new release coming next month.
    The James Hunter 6 – I Can Change Your Mind

  6. I was at this show (I know, I know, “You went to Five Finger Death Punch? Get out!”) with my then-14-year-old. There were six other bands, and eventually it started raining. It rained for hours. And hours. And then it rained some more. Except for this one song during the headline set. If you don’t get it yet, stick around for the chorus.

  7. In keeping with the “friends” theme, here are The Four Buddies out of Baltimore, MD (not to be confused with The Four Buddies out of NYC) with some classic vocal R&B. I wish all of you all the good things this chilly night.

  8. We school employees got the “snow day” (actually an “extreme winter weather conditions” event) call a couple hours ago.

    So this one is *my* choice for tonight–and surprisingly enough, it’s NOT a ‘Jovi😉

    We’re one of the largest districts in the state, and after an incident last year when our district was one of a handful that *didn’t* call off school on a VERY cold*** day, the district has changed the cold-weather policy a bit and they now cancel early when there is supposed to be dangerous cold.

    This allows families to actually make plans for their kiddos, rather than scrambling in the morning when they can’t send kids off to their buses. (Which was what we got TONS of complaints about last year, on that cold-day mixup situation)
    So I’m lucky & will get a day’s pay, without needing to go in to work (we’re contract employees, so our pay is prorated out over the course of the year). And I was able to call & talk to my boss at job 2, and can just split tomorrow’s hours there between Friday & Saturday instead😁

    So I’ma sleep in,try to get past the cold that’s trying to settle in, binge The Good Place with my roommates, and be a TOTAL lazy ass😉😁🤗
    (***negative-teen *temperature,* with a -20+° windchill that day–both the other two of the largest 3 districts here *also* had extreme-weather days THEY didn’t cancel last year & got slammed for not closing, too!)

  9. I am not a natural writer so this kind of stuff is like pulling teeth for me. I did a Dollar Bin Days post that took me over two weeks. If I had to do the daily thread my brain would fall out of my head.

    Haha, I feel exactly the same! daily thread? if I had to do it, it would be a weekly thread! daily? no way!

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