DeadSplinter Up! All Night: A Simple Mistake

I love reading everyone’s stories about why they chose a certain song and your experiences with music and musicians. I’m choosing Snow Patrol’s Chocolate for this story. I wanted to work in music or with music in some capacity while I was in college. I used to stay up late in high school listening to the local independent rock station on Sunday nights where they featured new artists and music. That’s what I wanted to do. Later in college I worked as the music director of the campus radio station and loved it. I loved the production aspect of radio broadcasting and finding new artists and new releases. Radio at this time was already dying and everyone had moved on to Pandora. It wasn’t the smartest career pathway I pursued but I tried. I ended up interning at a big Hot AC station in the City. It was so much fun and even though I didn’t care for the music, I enjoyed being around it. After the internship ended I worked in the promotions department because production was all full up and was always filled. In promotions I was able to go to a bunch of the shows the station put on for free and even helped set up the green rooms for artists, like Lenny Kravitz. I never did get into the production department. I think it was due to the fact that being a stupid 22 year old and getting blacked out wasted the night before needing to set up for station concert early in the morning and showing up still drunk most likely killed that dream. I wasn’t fired but I was in the doghouse for all four years I was there. Snow Patrol was the last VIP show I attended as a radio employee. I gave up on radio a year later after working for a Pandora competitor. Mistakes can sometimes change our entire lives if we’re not careful. I’m happy where I am now, the journey though to this point in time has been crazy. Thank you for your continued support of DeadSplinter.



  1. I’m supposed to be on a plane right now on the way to Iceland. Fuck You Coronavirus! So I’ll just sit here & listen to Bjork and pretend.

  2. I broke my reading glasses, and spent most of the day sewing with a pair that isn’t very good. Now my eyes hurt, and my head aches. I feel like Henry Bemis. I need pretty music.

    Leo Svirsky – River Without Banks

    • i found what was left of my proper glasses on the roof of the shed once…
      i also woke up with 2 broken ribs that day…and discovered the sitting bench that was against the shed wall was completely flattened…
      found my mate passed out pretzeled in a bike on the driveway…

      we decided that rather than trying to figure out wtf happened exactly it was best to just have a few more beers and laugh the pain off like the idiots we were

  3. …don’t think he intended for people to take his name as a reference to a method for repeatedly washing your hands for more than 20secs &/or santizing everything that enters your house but let’s not be making mistakes with the immortal technique, eh?

  4. When I was on my way to the music business I made an initial stop in radio (and eventually finished my career in radio). I had helped with promoting a concert with Arlo and Abe Guthrie at a 1,000 seat theater in town. As a little perk, I got a ticket to the show. If you haven’t seen Arlo play, it really is a great time. I felt like I was sitting in his living room while he spun stories and played his guitar. He even played Alice’s Restaurant after having refused to do so for many years. Got to talk to him after and he was super easy going and happy to chat. 10/10 would recommend.

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