Deadsplinter Up! All Night: A Smorgasbord of Fun

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye

Hi good peeps of DS! Today is National French Fry Day. It’s also Cow Appreciation Day, Embrace Your Geekness Day and Gruntled Workers Day. Take your pick or post whatever tickles your DUAN fancy. Let’s have some fun.

Can’t wait to see what you crazy cats come up with! Thanks for your support of Deadsplinter and DUAN.



  1. Yay, a good excuse to post this again!

    Macka Diamond – Cowfoot


    And since it’s Twofer Tuesday

    George Clinton – Do Fries Go With That Shake


      • For true Iko Iko horror:

        I think the song is very old actually and revives every so often, God knows why. At some point it was used in a TV ad and I want to say that was 20 years ago.

        • *googles*
          originally from 1953 apparently…it was called jock-o-mo back then

          oh hey cyndi lauper covered it too

          anyways…shit like this is why i never leave home in time to just take it nice and easy on the bike on my way to work 🙂

  2. you know how lots of people have moist as a word they just hate?
    coz reasons
    mines smorgasbord
    mostly coz it makes me hungry and people keep misusing it for non sandwich purposes
    anyways…heres a video i already regret posting even tho i like it

    not everyone there is still here…and the song is generally too damn close to my past comfort

  3. This was on an album called New Sacred Cow and touches on “gruntled” workers (because they’re on soma or soma-tinted goggles). 
    Kenna, “Hellbent” 


  4. I have to say that when I was working on this post – I did not realize the amount of cow song material that was out there. Color me impressed. Moooo!

      • These aren’t cowbells, exactly, but this was too disturbing to pass up. I am haunted by memories of the Lawrence Welk show, where the only black performer was, of course, a tap dancer. I think there might have been one in the orchestra at one point but I wouldn’t bet money on it. This clip evokes so many emotions in me: loss of childhood innocence; fayophobia (fear of elves); a strange and inexplicable (to my pre-teen mind) attraction to the unattainable, in this case performers on the Lawrence Welk show; a yearning for The Stage Life, but isn’t all life a perfomance of sorts, whether it be comparison shopping for flavored potato chips at the local CVS or dressing like an elf and pretending to play bells with drumsticks circa 1972?

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