Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Another State Of Mind

I have a box of old cassettes and vhs tapes. In it is an old copy of the documentary of Social Distortion and Youth Brigade’s ’82 tour. One of my favorite parts is watching him write the song Another State Of Mind. He was 20 years old. I thought and still do think he is cool as hell.



  1. A note to my friends at DUAN.
    When Deadspin’s DUAN shut down it left me with a huge void.
    Every night for several years, there was a bell that went off in my head telling me that it was time to post a song and to check out the great music that my friends had posted.
    We were all different and we had our own style and reasons that the music moved us.
    For me, I always wanted to know the story behind the artists and their music, and I loved to watch their live performances.
    I always teased Jonee because he preferred the perfection of a studio cut to a live performance. And many others related a song to an occurrence or a milestone, both good and bad.

    But now through the generosity of Myopicprophet and the rest of the founders of Deadsplinter, we have been given the opportunity to reconvene here at their DUAN, and we even have a voice in how it is run.

    With that being said, it is incumbent upon all of us to keep our new DUAN healthy and thriving, and to grow it by inviting other music lovers like ourselves to join us each night.
    So please take a moment and go through your contacts and send the Deadsplinter link to others who you feel would be a good fit for our community.

    I will end by thanking Deadsplinter and my DUAN friends in the coolest way that I know how, and that’s Sly Stone style!

    So, Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin

  2. Can I tell you guys about the day my boss came into my office and said “this sounds cool, what are you listening to?” It was Warren Zevon. My soul died a little that day.

  3. Growing up in Hawaii our white Xmas was going to the beach and seeing all the super white tourist turn red. Hawaiian musicians though have a bunch of unique songs & variations of classics. This year we lost Cyril Pahinui, a family friend of ours & a truly great self taught slack key guitarist. He actually learned from watching his dad (Gabby a legend) and all the other guys that would show up and literally jam for days.

  4. In honor of last night’s no shame zone, here are two songs I like.
    The first, the Heavy Raffertie remix, was apparently featured on the TV show suits during the Duchess of Sussex years.

    The second is new Harry Styles. Sigh – I think this young man is pretty good. Watching his moves/attire in the video he slightly reminds of the Thin White Duke,

  5. I loved (and still do) Adam Ant. I know he wasn’t punk, but he was so much fun! And he gave our parents fits, because they could not understand the man. (the makeup tip and year brought to mind who I was watching on MTV, when that’s what it actually was!)

  6. So while I try to figure out how not to keep digging myself into a pit of despair as I figure out what tomorrow’s DOT looks like…why don’t you let Slick Rick tell you a bedtime story?

  7. One of the things about the “old” DUAN was that if you didn’t get in in the first hour, it wasn’t worth playing. So after almost three hours I’m going to throw in some “Torturous Black Metal” from Australia and see what happens:

    • You make a great point, but even when I was late to the party, I KNEW that I’d wake up the next day to a notification indicating that Luv4allmusik had starred my post.

  8. We have the publish time set at 5pm est. We can move it back some if you think that will get more people involved. We want you involved. I always like impressing my metal friend with my knowledge(yours actually)

    • no one is excluded from this…

      “In the meantime, the quickest way to get attention around here might be to message myopicprophet here or on the Discord server because that clown will nag and nag and nag and pester and pester and pester us to ensure we are including EVERYONE.”

    • I don’t know about “knowledge,” a lot of the time I’m just chasing interesting sounds on You Tube. Glad you like it though.

      Seems like plenty of people are checking in later in the night. Start time is probably fine for now. It was kinda disappointing when it was over and done with by 7 or 8. One time I tried to start a second round to see if we really could go all night but no one else jumped in.

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