DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Astronauts

This song came up on my newest playlist, which is now 1,355 songs and 91 hours long. That seems like a crazy number of songs, but bands keep releasing good music and you lovely folks of DUAN keep introducing me to yet more good tunes. I get through the full list in about a week and a half, but I had totally forgotten about this tune, Brasstronaut, by Hawk. It is the only music I have from them.

“Been having this feeling since I was a young man
No one slowing me down

Who really cares if I’m such a narcissist?
I don’t make it there when you’re not around
I don’t want to talk about my feelings
Just wana try”

Hit me with your Astronaut, Brass, or Hawk themed tunes, or any related or unrelated music. It’s a FREE FOR ALL tonight, have at it!

About Elliecoo 555 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


    • Thank you! This may go under the heading of “be careful what you asked for.” 😜 I think the folk metal may be more my speed? But I generally like music from Japan, and someone turned us all onto Japanese jazz the other week. So I  can listen to Babymetal, too. Now there is yet another musical path to travel! 

  1. I also had a request for “metal with operatic vocals.”  I initially thought of early Queensryche:

    But you can’t get much more “operatic” than a classically-trained soprano:

    • I love a lot of Queensryche songs! They had a song that was introduced to me about 12 years ago that reminded me of “Hysteria” by Def Leppard that I can’t find for the life of me.

  2. There used to be, floating around the Interwebz, a hilarious side-by-side photo of Geraldine Ferraro addressing the 1984 Democratic Convention alongside David Bowie singing “Major Tom” a few years after the song came out. The reader was asked to guess who was who. It seems to have vanished. This isn’t nearly as funny but it’s all I could find. Somewhat astronaut-themed, right? Plus, my second mention of Geraldine Ferraro today!

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