DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Back to School Night

My morning commute sucked today because all the little rascals are back to school.

Thanks for your continued support of Deadsplinter and DUAN!



  1. Yipes. It always puts me on edge when I’m on the subway or go up to the street and am surrounded by a gaggle of freshly released school children. They truly are terrifying. 
    Phoenix, “School’s Rules” 

    Camera Obscura, “Suspended From Class” 

    • I’ve seen School of Rock on broadway 3x. When I used to go up there for work I would be able to snag a cheap single ticket and it’s a totally cute way to spend an evening not in a teeny tiny hotel room. 

      • ive never been to broadway
        hell ive never seen a proper theatre show
        likely never will….i cannot sit still…oor stand still
        i give it about 15 minutes till i get thrown out

      • I’ve seen it twice myself! Like “Cabaret: (four times) it was a popular request from visiting houseguests. I wonder if we were ever in the same audience? The second time I went I was seated next to a very tall German guy who had a single ticket so since I’m a very tall guy myself we had to make armrest and legroom accommodations. We chatted at intermission. He was lovely. 

        Say, you’re not actually a very tall German guy IRL are you? We were in the third row, off to the right?

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