DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Call A Friend

Hi good people! Today – in this season of holidays – is National Call A Friend Day. Give that high school buddy or old college roommate or kid you used to make mud pies with – a call. You know there’s someone that’s been on your mind – chances are they’ve been thinking of you too.

Just do it already. And, in the spirit of things – thanks for being great internet friends!



  1. i should really make new friends…..cant really reconnect with the old ones

    they kinda fall into two groups now…the ones that broke ties and got out and made a life for themselves….and the ones that didnt

    the former like me wouldnt really want the past to come knocking…and the latter assuming any of them are still kicking would drag me right back down

    sometimes its better to just accept the past is dead..and stop poking at it

  2. I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to shout out my favourite current band:

    Nation of Language, “Friend Machine” 

    Plus this classic:

    Lyle Lovett ft. Randy Newman, “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”



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