Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Thank you for supporting Deadsplinter! For some reason I keep hearing this in my head:

What is, or should be, running through your head?



  1. Here is a good song about dirty deeds: Alt-J, Hit me like that snare.

  2. Somethings never change…

  3. No happy late night DJ stories this time…

    …just some good ol Barry Fuckin’ McGuire!!!

    Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’,
    I’m sittin’ here, just contemplatin’,
    I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
    Handful of Senators don’t pass legislation,
    And marches alone can’t bring integration,
    When human respect is disintegratin’,
    This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’,

  4. Too bad this guy got the John Belushi treatment. He could have made a lot of great music. Look up The Red Devils for his early stuff.

  5. Dirty Work

    The Steely Dan song that doesn’t sound like a Steely Dan song, as David Palmer, not Donald Fagen, is the lead vocalist.

    • Thus my favorite Steely Dan song. The Pointer Sisters did a nice cover.

  6. speaking of “in your head”

    …a few political disagreements we often (cordially) discussed (argued/debated) aside and for a few people I know who still mourn the loss of a friend…

    RIP Dolores:

  7. Ode to the Bad People – Speed, Glue, and Shinki

  8. Feel like a masochist watching the news. Devin.

  9. This is the outcome I expected. But I’m still so angry and bitter. And afraid that it’s going to get much worse.

    The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter

  10. Wishful thinking. But did you expect the GOPers (Mittens notwithstanding) would find something akin to honor? Hahahahaha.

  11. Judas Priest – Breaking the Law. Come for the riff, stay for the security guard guitar solo. There’s a metaphor where Priest is Trump, and the guard is the GOP, but that makes everyone way cooler than they deserve, and puts a frankly irresponsible amount of hate on the guys in Priest.

    • First time I ever heard this was on the UNC-Chapel Hill radio station around 1980-81. I remember being really intrigued because at the time who had ever heard of a chorus with no melody? I thought it was pretty badass.

  12. apparently today im in more of a punk mood
    im not sure if thats better or worse for my coworkers than my normal metal for breakfast mood

    • Love those guys, some of best covers of anyone! If u can do punk do wop, u can do anything!

  13. …may have been listening to some somewhat angrier tunes but figured for DUAN purposes this might be the best of the things to make it into the playlist in the last few hours

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