Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Double Vision

Good evening Deadsplinter- do not adjust your viewing apparatus! You are seeing in double for a reason.

Groundhog Day might have come and gone, but still we’re going to do it over and over again. Tonight’s DUAN is gonna have us all seeing double.

For each submission, I want you to give me two different favorite versions for any song that you choose. It can be original and cover, album version and live, full mix and acoustic, etc… The only rule is two different videos- same artist or different artists.

Thanks for stopping by for tonight’s DUAN and supporting Deadsplinter.

About CestLaVie 74 Articles
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  1. I want you to give me two different favorite versions for any song that you choose.

    I’m sorry but I’m going to go ahead and pretend “favourite” isn’t in there because this irritates me almost every day as The Bare Naked Ladies’ version is STILL over-played and I will never forgive them for turning this great song into shit:

    Dear God, whatever you do, do NOT click that!

    Click this one:

    I’ve been needing to get this off my chest for quite some time. Thanks for the outlet!

  2. A very special double, from The Dells, out of Chicago’s Thornton Township High School.  The first version was 1956 Windy City doo-wop.

    And their second version – from 1969 –  was a greasy slice of deep-dish Chicago Soul.  You want to see shit jump off, start a discussion in some South Side bar about which version was better.  You’ll be able to compare, because it’s 100% that both versions will be on the juke box.

      • That’s a tough one, like asking me which puppy in litter is my favorite.  The ’56 version is more my thing, but I have a sentimental attachment to the ’69 version.  The Dells were a very fine group.  I guess it’s the first version in the streets and the second version in the sheets, if you catch my drift.

  3. Never met a girl like you before, again:
    Edwyn Collins, “A Girl Like You” 
    Tame Impala cover Edwyn Collins’s “A Girl Like You” for Like A Version 
    And this might be stretching it a bit, but I searched in vain for a cover version of Pulp’s “Bad Cover Version”, which I know exists, but was thwarted by how search engine unfriendly that endeavour is. So I’m counting the live and album renditions as being separate from the official video version, because the faux “We Are the World” celebs in the video are “covering” the Pulp track in lieu of Jarvis’s actual vocals. Enjoy: 
    Pulp, “Bad Cover Version (live)” 
    Pulp, “Bad Cover Version (official video)” 

  4. I’m gonna post an extra, because I love both the original and the cover so very much.
    Led Zeppelin – Kashmir

    Alice in Chains – Kashmir

  5. I love “These Foolish Things” an entire album worth of covers by Bryan Ferry and Tom Waits ‘Somewhere’, I got that album for xmas one year and enjoyed the horrified look on the ‘rents face when they recognized the song. The best live cover ever was NYE, I forget the year, the song was ‘I wanna be sedated’ slowed way down, and just gorgeous.

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