DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Drink It Down

Image via Shutterstock

The Silverbacks, Drink It Down:

What is it to be human?
What is it to be pure?
A god-forsaken beauty that burns to the core
It’s the sky that’s important, not the land, not the shore
It’s the rocket that’s important as I carry around the door.

So what are you drinking?

Thank you for your support of DeadSplinter and DUAN.

About Elliecoo 532 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


  1. I don’t drink, but if I did, I would.I’d start with some of that good old sugar water purple…and alcohol, until I need Thelma to hold my hair back

    And them move straight on to the breakfast league of champions

    Or maybe I’d just forego all the nonsense and move straight to the sizzurp


  2. I don’t like Tequila or Red Wine because both turn my head into a kettle drum. 
    Strictly a grain alcohol kind of guy like General Jack Ripper.  Purity of Essense FOREVER!

  3. …I generally drop the e (just the letter mind) & go with whisky…but I’ve learned that some bourbon is friendly so if I’m calling it a friend I guess maybe this one seems like an appropriate chaser…kinda?

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