Well, my day fell apart. Wife calls me first thing in the morning that lights are out in one of the exam rooms at the clinic after a power surge.
After an investigation at the source, we had more questions than answers…
So up into the attic we went. After following wires and checking junction boxes we were not getting any where.
After that dead end we went back to the circuit breakers but no luck!
Finally we gave up & did what we should have done in the first place & called in The Professionals…
Hopefully they can resolve this soon! Have a great night.
you know i have to…
they were an interesting group…..wonder what happened to them
good luck with the power woes
Electrician fixed it in nothing flat!
Our house still has some knob and tube wiring.
The Power Station
I love any DUAN theme that gives me a reason to do the Electric Slide in the kitchen in my socks.
You’re probably on the wrong street. No issues when you’re on electric avenue.
Did you reconfigure the I/O dongle? If you cross the wires, do you get a mash-up?