DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Frozen?

It will be hotter than Hades here this week – in the 90’s every day. Counterintuitively, the hotter it gets the colder I am, because others prefer to set the air conditioners at the lowest possible setting. Here is a new one, aptly entitled FROZEN!

Frozen, Bakermat

Thank you for playing and thank you for your support of DeadSplinter and DUAN.

About Elliecoo 556 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


      • It is from the best Christmas show ever. “The Year Without Santa Claus.” The Snow Miser was voiced by Dick Shawn, who was the hunky surf bum in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World,” among many other things.

        • Yes, as a kid I loved this one way more the popular Rudolph one. I used to sing this song all of the time and no one ever knew what it was – even when I explained it. 

        • It is the best of the Rankin-Bass shows, eclipsed only by “The Grinch That Stole Christmas,” which was not produced by Rankin-Bass. I have the DVDs to all the old Rankin-Bass shows, but for “Year Without a Santa Claus” I actually have display figures for the show. They adorn my coffee table at Christmas. 
          To be fair, I have Rudolf figures too. They go on my TV stand. 

  1. Well, the temperature is cooler than I expected, high 70’s.  Maybe because the son is fighting it’s way thru the thick smoke.  So I’ll just grab a cold beverage & stare out at the smokey lake.


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