Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Go West

Go West ladies and gentleman, go west!

What’s your favorite Pet Shop Boys song? Here’s mine:

And here’s their 1-hour September 15, 2019, concert from Hyde Park, London:

Neil still sounds fantastic!

Thank you for your continued support of Deadsplinter!



  1. I’m not a big Pet Shop Boys fan so I’m going off theme. On March 4th, I present MarchFourth. One of the craziest live shows you will ever see with dancers on stilts dancing and performing in the crowd. Think of the best Portland band geeks playing funk and putting on a burlesque show, what could be more fun?

    • That’s the one, but I prefer this swinging Tommy Dorsey/Frank Sinatra version with the Bunny Berrigan solo at the end. It would be one of Berrigan’s last recording dates.

  2. oh crap, I somehow screwed up the embed code and that screwed up the video embeds. damn, it linked to the post preview! what a mess…

    anyway, here are the two embeds:

    Pet Shop Boys – It’s A Sin:

    1-hour September 15, 2019, concert from Hyde Park, London:

    • …for youtube links you ought not to need to do anything but paste the link – although you do need a full line break after the text for that to be picked up & embedded

      …but linking to a preview is a wrinkle I’ve never run into…care to share how you managed to pull that off?

      • some short time ago if you just pasted the youtube url you got a big embed; something like 800×800. I looked at the WP help and saw you could control the size using embed code:

        [embed width="640" height="480"]url[/embed]

        so, I was doing that. but myo or someone else must’ve fixed it because the video embeds are fine now. but I was still using the embed code by habit. yesterday somehow I screwed-up the embed code and I did:

        [embed width="640" height="480"][embed width="640" height="480"]url[/embed]

        and that produced a link to the preview! the text of the link was correct but when I clicked it, it took me to the post preview. anyway, I fixed it and I won’t use the embed code again…

        • …curious…aside from the line break thing none of that’s ever been necessary for me

          …some YouTube links have the embed function disabled at source but otherwise they’ve always worked fine as far as I knew

          …still intrigued how you managed to link to a preview, either way

          • if you just pasted the url of the video, you used to get a big embed. something like 800×800. but using the embed code you could specify the size; like 640×480.

            this isn’t the case anymore. now you paste the url and you get a 640×480 size embed. but I was still doing it the old way by habit and somehow I screwed it up. anyway…

            • …I got that bit the first time but it doesn’t get me any closer to understanding where the linking to a preview bit entered the mix?

              …pretty sure depending on the device I’m using the you tube previews display in different sizes even in these threads but I’ve never had any issues with the default embed that would make it necessary to adjust it so I guess it’s unlikely to come up for me

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