DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Guilty?

You Do You!

I recently happened upon a new young singer, Thunder Jackson. His backstory would make a movie plot (at least from what I read on his biography). He escaped from Oklahoma to LA, with a plan to play his guitar/sing as he panhandled on street corners. “He was broke, hopeless, lost, and 19 years old.” He started singing along to the radio of a cab, and the front seat passenger turned out to be a music producer…and the rest is history. He does soul, falsetto, and bit of electronica. Here is a bit of his stuff:

Guilty Party

S.O.S. (I fix, I fold, I try to break the mold. But really I, I wish I was more like you.)

Lovesick Doctor

This one can go all over the place. Guilt, parties, love, doctors, S.O.S., falsetto – or as always, share whatever is your thing. Thank you and thank you for your support of DeadSplinter and DUAN.

About Elliecoo 556 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


  1. Hawaii has many talented falsetto singers and if you are one of them, you sing this song at some point in your career.  This one happens to be one of the greatest Hawaiian guitarists too…


  2. I hadn’t heard of Thunder Jackson, thanks @Elliecoo.

    Clydie King is probably best known for her work with Bob Dylan, who she married and had two children with. But she had been around a long time before meeting Mr. Zimmerman.

    Only The Guilty Cry


  3. One of my favourite tracks from an old Startime International promo compilation:
    The Mood Elevator, “Guilty” 

    🎵Sending out an S.O.S.🎵
    The Police, “Message in a Bottle” 


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