• Kraftwerk’s “Computer Love” always reminds me of these two: 
      Björk, “All Is Full of Love” 

      Suburban Kids with Biblical Names, “Loop duplicate my heart” 


  1. Great theme. 
    I’ve always found this Kenna album to be criminally underrated.  At the time, this video was an obvious nod to Brave New World and Soma + the soul-breaking grind of capitalism, but via today’s eyes, it clearly presaged VR headsets and other forms of invasive, soul-crushing technology.
    KENNA, “HELL BENT” (No Sound EFX/Letterbox Version) 

    And here we go with tales of human worker obsolescence intertwined with music industry machinations. 
    Wolf Parade, “Modern World” 


      • I only downloaded it yesterday but it’s pretty sweet. Like literally sweet, in their more quirky introspective mode than woo-ha rock out mode. I like both. It definitely seems reflective of what we’re all living through. Video for the first track is very on-theme:

        I’m hoping by the time Van Weezer comes out, we’ll be in the right celebratory, rock-out kind of mode and it will all line up nicely. 🙂

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