Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Here For You

DUAN’s Discographers (who I must say do seem very nearly as insistent as I’ve been about trying to ensure everybody gets the message that ALL ARE WELCOME HERE) now have their hands on the DUAN reins here at Deadsplinter (and the bit between their teeth), but have graciously allowed me to post a “One Night Only” DUAN this evening – primarily as an excuse to say something I want everyone here to understand in a place where hopefully a decent number of you will see it.

This is neither a Sports/Political site, nor is it an attempt to simply replicate either of those sites. It’s for the entire community of communities that, over the years, have called the websites-currently-referred-to-as-Kinja home. From that one purple site to the yellow/red one (the banners, that is) to the Groupthink-ers and denizens of every other sub-blog from whence we travelled to get here.

Maybe it’s obvious (we’d certainly like it to be), but sometimes it’s easy to be uncomfortable even around those you love, and who love you the most. Hell, some of us even forget who we are from time to time or might lose our tenuous grip on “the plot” to the point where we question our existence/humanity/reality/what-cool-even-means-anymore. We get it: Life is hard and the world sucks, often simultaneously.

So, Deadsplinter is now and always will be a place for all to find welcome. All things being equal, we’d hope you’ll also find it a place to be yourselves, share (of?) yourselves and (so long as we’re in the ballpark on the all-things-being-equal thing) feel comfortable doing it. We all have a little baggage to handle sometimes, and why pack light when you can enlighten others? From the traumas and tragedies and other growing pains of life’s unpredictable path, to the love and support and the beauty that sustains us – bring it all. Pack it in. Not like your parent/gaurdian yelling at you for screwing around in the backseat while they’re driving. The other kind. The one where you know it won’t fit but you go on and throw it in there anyway and just hope that if you just want it to enough, it’ll fit.

I myself struggle to figure out where I fit in this community, if I’m honest – which more than one of you has told me is apparently ironic.

Sometimes I feel as though I don’t. Although lately I’ve been finding that tends to result in one of “the regulars” being endearingly rude to me about why apparently that makes me an idiot.

One thing I do know is that I do belong somewhere…and here I am…and here I mean to stay. (Except not here here – because DUAN & Discographers,

Why am I here? (for those of you who actually listen to the lyrics…and I guess the rest of you, too) I’m here for you:

About myopicprophet 126 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. Nick Mulvey, Meet Me There
    After all the people picking people picking people apart, my love
    And after all the dealing, the hooking and reeling along from the start
    Oh there’s a field, meet me there
    Out beyond rightness and wrong, meet me there

  2. I’ve posted this before on Rooo’s Friday Night Dance Party but it seems right for this theme.
    We get by, we get by, no matter what happens I’ll be there for you…

    We Get By – Mavis Staples featuring Ben Harper.

  3. Thank you, Myopicprophet, for your thought provoking post and for making us all feel welcome!

    Of all of Chris Cornell’s brilliant compositions, this one is my favorite.
    I love at around 3:00 when Chris slows things down a bit and it feels like the emotional rollercoaster that you’ve been on is coming to a halt. But then at 3:15 Chris hits us with some final screams. Those wonderful screams!!!

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