DeadSplinter Up! All Night: How are Things in Your Neighborhood?

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Who Made Who, Neighbourhood. Take it where you will… Thank you for your support of DeadSplinter and DUAN.

About Elliecoo 555 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


  1. welp we are locked down and past curfew…..sooooo…its pretty quiet here

    not even the soothing sound of sirens in the distance somewhere…
    (i dont know why but i kinda consider sirens a background noise that should be there when living in the city and get a little wierded out when i dont hear them for too long……. kinda like i got wierded out by the lack of air traffic during the first wave)

    • I’m the same way. I leave down the street from a fire station and I’m so used to sirens I barely notice them anymore. But when I go out of town I notice the absence of them.

      • i grew up in the sticks so when im there i like the quiet…its as it should be
        but in the city…silence creeps me out…and i expect zombies or some shit…

  2. I grew up on the mean streets of Chicago’s Little Italy, but now I live in a place where they actually have hollers.  In fact, I was down in the holler this very morning.

  3. I live in the most CoVID area of the Greater Toronto Area.  For example my neighbourhood went from 1-2 cases to 25+ in less than two months.  Unlike some of my bosses, I don’t blame most of them because they were unfortunates like most people in this area.  Unfortunately we have some really fucking unaware/selfish/dumb people here (seemingly) mostly young and male that can be blamed for a lot of this.

    Now the roads are quieter because of lockdown.

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