Lately I have been struggling to stay positive and be happy. Music has always been something that can alter my mood instantly and some artists have a knack for making music that just makes you feel good. Joe Samba is one of those artists. I swear the first time I heard him I assumed he was from Hawaii. He sounds like one of Hawaii’s best Jawaiian artists but he is actually from the east coast. This video brings me back to my days before moving to the mainland when I would go on snowboard trips with my Hawaii friends and we would go outside in our island wear and mess around in the snow. I sent this to may nephew that plays in a Jawaiian band and besides loving the music, his only comment was bet they filmed that quickly!
I know I have been sharing a bunch of Sugarshack Sessions lately but they are really doing some great live recordings. This one just shows what a great vocalist and songwriter this man is!
This song’s positive message has helped me get through some tough times so play it with the CC button on to get all the great lyrics.
The guy can rock too, here’s Joe with the back up band the Quins.
and I’ll leave you with the best cover I have ever heard of this song…
Have a great weekend, hopefully you get No Rain and enjoyed the positive vibes of Joe Samba.
This is how we do/did it:
oh man…no rain…that’d be fucking nice…ive been getting soaked on my way to and from work all week….tomorow doesnt look like it’ll buck the trend..
anyways……this band is very hit or miss for me…mostly leaning towards miss…but this song works for me
We’re getting drenched too. We don’t really suffer from droughts but I always appreciate the rain to refresh the rivers and fill the reservoirs.
I recently had to search for outdoor images of Belgium (don’t ask) and it was nearly impossible to find sunny ones that didn’t look photoshopped. I needed flower-filled fields and popular (and quaint) market squares and maybe some seaside shots, and it all looked like Northumberland on a bad day. I hope the Netherlands is occasionally sunnier and brighter.
i’ll put it this way…when the suns out…the whole country flocks to the terraces
doesnt matter if its barely above freezing
It is 73 here right now and sunny and tomorrow supposed to be 40’s and pouring. Welcome to spring in the PNW!
Eddie & The Hot Rods – Do Anything You Wanna Do
This probably isn’t gonna make anyone feel any better, lol. But I like it.
Swans – Some Things We Do
Pink Floyd – Empty Spaces / What Shall We Do Now
When I absolutely, positively have to feel better, I get naked, hop in the shower and belt out some karaoke. Never fails. My wife says I would have made a great drag queen.
@Luigi Vuoto
I would have pegged you for Team Tiffany.
You paint a hell of a mental picture!
just because
If we’re ‘just becausing’ it:
Do it all again