DeadSplinter Up! All Night: I Can See Clearly Now

Happy Saturday everyone! What are some of your favorite covers? As always thank you for your continued support of DeadSplinter.



  1. And a happy Saturday to you, Boop! 

    I’ve posted this before but it’s such a great cover it deserves a second DUAN.

    The Five – Angel Of The Morning




  2. Well, I posted The Main’s cover of Watermelon Sugar today in BrainDrain. 

    Here are two versions of Take Me To The River, Levon Helm and then Annie Lennox:

    And I have always liked the Jeff Buckley version of Hallelujah:


  3. Colin James does great covers. Here’s John Lennon’s Jealous Guy. 

    Here’s Van Morrison’s Into The Mystic. 

    Here’s Fleetwood Mac’s Oh Well. 

    Here’s Freddie King’s Guitar Boogie (titled as Boogie Funk)

    There’s more but that will do for starters.

  4. I’m not sure this is a cover, exactly, but here is Judy Garland singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Since this was a Great Day for the Republic, probably the only one of 2020, I thought I’d post it. It has an interesting history which is explained on a title card that precedes the performance.

  5. I’m sure I’ve done these covers before but WTF, this is for my buddy Donald…yes, you should go…

    and Alakazam, let’s make him be gone!


  6. Boop, I LOVE the theme tonight, because this one was gonna be one of my shares, *no matter what*😉😁🤗

    In the spirit of staying on-theme, MY favorite version of the Leonard Cohen classic (iirc, rumored to be one of Cohen’s, too!);

    Then a ‘Jovi cover;

    And one of my FAVORITE Marilyn covers–if y’all ever have access to a good sound system, that can kick out lots of bass w/o the lower registers mudding out & sounding like poo, I HIGHLY recommend trying this one at… “put in some earplugs, and crank the volume up to ‘sternum-rattle’ levels”😉😁💖
    Because *feeling* the vibrations of the bass in this one is just COOL!😃🤗😁

    Lastly, an oldie-but-goodie by Metallica–the bass lines in *this* one are how I ALWAYS want Thin Lizzy’s version to pound🙃

  7. Mmmmmmm love me some Depeche Mode. That Manson cover is excellent. 
    Also you are blowing my mind with these obscure 90s artists. The Low Fidelity Allstars: Battleflag in the Brain Drain thread was a welcome surprise. And now Placebo. It’s like you’ve got a musical machine tapped into my local alt-rock radio station from when I was in high school. 
    It’s not a cover, but this song always makes me think of our recently rejected wannabe despot. 

    Since we are sharing covers. My favorite DM song; Enjoy The Silence

        • …it’s a bit of a guess but the bit of those links that says “watch?v=” might be the trouble?

          …if you go to a video on youtube & copy/paste from the URL in your browser I think that’s the format you get but if you click the “share” option instead you get links that look a bit different

          https:// Rc9F_mUCp4U

          [I put a space after the /s so hopefully it won’t embed but without those it ought to?

          …there’s another wrinkle that sometimes pops up for some peoplebut this explains that better than I would

            • The OC was in regards to iphones which is 99/100 times Safari.

              If anyone mentions technical issues in the comments and I don’t see them, please pm me to get my attention with links to the comments and/or reply to the comments by suggesting the commenters pm me directly. The more inconsistent advice given in the comment section, the more confused people seem to get and I’d rather be able to further explain not only how to work things or how things work but also the whys and the what-might-be-coming as work arounds for certain issues.

          • …that link takes you to the same post as the one I’d already given since that tag currently has just the one entry if you follow it & the point about the syntax being different in different browsers may be true but seems beside the point in terms of identifying what caused the issue at hand – not clear what you’re trying to add here?

  8. More ultra-obscure 90s nostalgia. Sorry these don’t fit the theme, but I’m having a blast tine-traveling via music this evening and need to share.
    Lion rock; Fire Up the Shoe Saw

    Mansun; Wide Open Space 

    Geggy Tah; Whoever You Are

    Soul Coughing; Rollin

    Poe: Hello (Rock Remix)


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