Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Joshua Tree

The 2nd episode of the 4th season of ‘Better Things‘ featured the song ‘Joshua Tree’ (just before the end) by desert-duo Jason Nutter and Jesika von Rabbit:

Here’s the video of ‘Joshua Tree’ (directed by Jessica Janos):

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  1. Joshua Tree makes me think of Graham Parsons
    The Flying Burrito Brothers – Hot Burrito #1

    I haven’t watched season 4 yet. I need to, it’s such a good show.

      • Haha! No this show –

        I worked on it for the first couple of seasons. The show runner tried to get U2 to let him use the song as the theme song – but they said no – the song is a tribute to one of our crew members that died. It’s very personal to us. We rarely play it in concert.
        He still insisted on using the name which had absolutely no meaning in the show whatsoever. He said he listened to the song over and over while he wrote the pilot. It’s always irked me that such a beautiful song got used as the basis for such an asinine teenage show.

  2. A Day in the Life of a Tree

    The Beach Boys
    That’s the Boys’ manager (and local L.A. DJ) Jack Rieley on vocals, the only track he ever appeared on. He and Brian Wilson co-wrote this pretty little song together.

  3. The obligatory:

    And,of course, The ‘Jovi;

    Joey Keys isn’t exactly Joshua Tree, buuuuut it kinda rhymes😉


    Not Joshua Tree, but just because I like this song;

  4. Trees…hmm…

    Well, I’m currently living up in the Blue Ridge Mountains, so I get to hear a lot of this kind of stuff from low-power stations scattered all around. I find the level of musicianship down here astounding, and I come from Chicago which has a few musicians, too.

      • I have heard about it, but it’s about 5 hours away from my place in Southwestern Virginia. I’m right near the Virginia/West Virginia border. Lifelong city dude who’s been on a 5 year sojourn following my wife’s academic career. Crossed the country 2.5 times, landing in Connecticut, Houston, Central Coast of Cali and now Virginia. Getting used to being all-the-way country though. I think we’re here for the long haul, which suits me fine. I can drive up to Chicago in a day and see my people and hometown, and come back soon as I get tired of the congestion.

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