From Philadelphia, Little Stranger is a hip hop duo that also plays funk and reggae. Consisting of best friends John Shields and Kevin Shields, who are not related, but met in school when asked to sit in alphabetical order. Watching their videos, it is hard to take them seriously but they are both great musicians and seem to really have a great time performing together. I was recently completely blown away by a semi-acoustic performance they did for the Sugarshack Sessions channel, including this performance that made me think of the great Sublime performances…
and if you can do a cover of this song this well, you have my respect…
and then we go to some very funky dancehall reggae…
and if studio versions and silly videos are more of your thing, they got you covered with this super infectious tune…
They can do a pretty cool pop love song too…
and I will leave you back where we started, at Sugarshack with some serious speed spittin. I suggest using the CC button for this one…
Hope you enjoyed getting a little stranger with me tonight.
Van She – Strangers
I’m picking up a sense of another Philly white guy hip hop adjacent act:
For sure! I thought about G-Love when I first heard them and also figured they were into another of my favorite Philly acts…
Oh man, that’s some nice stuff. That Gorillaz cover….
Matt Forbes – On Melancholy Hill
oh boy…that ones gonna mess up my algorythm
i was going for the doors…people are strange….but i typed wierd instead
end up there….i am proud of myself
Fun tunes, can you imagine what it must have been like having them as students? LOL
Sorry if I play these guys too much but I love this band.
Car Seat Headrest – Sleeping With Strangers
Yeah, I am sure those teachers saw some things! Never apologize for playing what you like, I’m digging this band too!
We are all strangers in the night
Dammit, you beat me by a minute, maybe less.
Great minds, my friend!
This would also have been a good choice for the Excess DUAN:
Frank Sinatra looks like a college student. He was 41 when this movie came out.
Grace Kelly was some dish.
Did you know that when Prince Rainier proposed to Grace Kelly and she, probably unwisely, accepted, the Prince went to Kelly’s father and demanded a $2 million dowry? That was a whopping $21 million in today’s dollars. Dad balked, so Grace came up with half the dowry on her own, even though she was one of the most beautiful, famous, and successful actors in the world. Granted, in 1956 Monaco was not the uber-wealthy haunt of tax-dodging and money-laundering kleptocrats and oligarchs that it is today and the Monagasques probably needed the cash, but still.
I wouldn’t mind a little strange
Deep Purple- Perfect Strangers
Hip Hop on DUAN????
So Strange Here…
Hey now, I’ve done multiple hip hop DUANs. I even remember a rap battle w/ RIP long ago! I love lots of types of music & try to keep things fresh around here.