I had the soundtrack to The Bodyguard as a child, so I was familiar with this off the non-Whitney B side of the cassette. (I had no idea until looking at the song credits that Michelle Visage was in S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M., so I’d clearly not seen the video, either.) I believe this version was also used in a GAP advert in the ’90s.
S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M., (It’s Gonna Be A) Lovely Day
And with a similar title, also available on the soundtrack to a classic ’90s film: Lou Reed, “Perfect Day”
It’s no longer August, but we’re still in the middle of the dog days, just now with flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires. Florence + The Machine, “Dog Days Are Over”
Ella and Louis- It’s a Lovely Day
Lit – Lovely Day
I had the soundtrack to The Bodyguard as a child, so I was familiar with this off the non-Whitney B side of the cassette. (I had no idea until looking at the song credits that Michelle Visage was in S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M., so I’d clearly not seen the video, either.) I believe this version was also used in a GAP advert in the ’90s.
S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M., (It’s Gonna Be A) Lovely Day
And with a similar title, also available on the soundtrack to a classic ’90s film:
Lou Reed, “Perfect Day”
It’s no longer August, but we’re still in the middle of the dog days, just now with flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires.
Florence + The Machine, “Dog Days Are Over”
The Rentals, “These Days”
Let’s just day it’s been a long day…